The Arkansas Legislative Session will focus on what amounts to a bailout for the health insurance of education administrators. Here is a description of some of the salaries of administrators from Pulaski Technical College who could benefit from the legislation worked on this session.
President Dr. Elbie $194,826.00
Provost DeLong Michael Lee $118,450.00
David Glover $86,815.00
Associate vice president
Jasmine ray $76,000.00
Associate vice president
Stacey Hogue $29,076.93
Associate vice president
Mickey Quattlebaum $78,000.00
Associate vice president
The President has a Secretary, Tena Carrigan, who makes $35,962.71
The Provost went to HR to get a new secretary for himself and increased the salary of
Teresa Tessman $31,085.93. This is close to some department head salaries.
They are now wanting another vice president for learning with probably a salary around $80,000.
Pulaski Technical College attempted a millage tax increase in March 2014 after voting for $368,000 in bonuses for administrators. Voters in the democrat stronghold of Pulaski County rejected the millage by 74.69%. Board Policy states faculty are eligible for bonuses. President Ellibee refused to give a bonus to faculty. When confronted with the fact that faculty were actually eligible for bonuses and that she had used the wrong state matrix to figure pay raises, Dr. Margaret Ellibee arrogantly refused to change what she had done.
Administration officials also refused to listen when shown contracts which proved the administration had wrongly alleged that faculty had gotten certain past raises. Faculty did receive a $250 annual pay raise, which was much smaller than any of the bonuses handed out in the summer.
Some details of the bonuses are here:
Pulaski Tech Bonuses
After losing the tax, the unelected Board of Trustees of Pulaski Technical College instead just voted for a 13% tuition increase & a $15 increase in fines which equals about $300 per student. Will the 6 figure salary adminstrators of Pulaski Technical College get a benefit from the Arkansas Taxpayers in this special session?