Friday, July 29, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My first video of Abby Johnson in Little Rock:
I just got confirmation that Bishop Anthony Taylor was in Guatemala.
Can't see Mike Beebe, Dustin McDaniel, or any democrat elected officials at the Prolife Rally. I know there are prolife democrats in AR.
Many people here at the prolife rally in Little Rock, but I can't seem to find Arkansas Bishop Anthony Taylor.
Some video footage of the Abortion debate in Arkansas.
Abby Johnson talking about her Planned Parenthood work and the abortion debate.
At 1st Baptist Church off Pleasant Valley, setting up for the Pro-life Event!

Friday, July 22, 2011

misspelled "Congressional" but at least I'm not giving the Pelosi/Reid Congress spending spree a pass like the Fox News Debt Blame Poll is!
O'Reilly quotes rigged poll w/ only Obama or "Congressional Republicans" as options on who to blame for US debt. Congressonal Dems left out!
John Boehner about to show up on O'Reilly. Most Fox News workers want the Tea Party to cave.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

Michele Bachmann on O'Reilly Factor now! Should be shown on OReilly rerun at 10pm Central Time.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Getting ready to give a presentation about America's Great Awakening at Alliance Bible Church

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Stories and Events

Back from the Fourth!

Cartoon by Ramirez

Between the many holiday events and my tire getting a nail in it. I haven't blogged that much. It's great that we can celebrate the fact our Founders fought against a corrupt regime instead of just leaving to be slaves to another regime (Spainish or French Colonies). 3rd world governments depend on people leaving their country and not thinking like Constitutional Republic Founding Americans. Here are some stories and events.


Just saw this from Drudge. Obama believes that Texas should not execute an illegal alien rapist/murderer so that we can have a relationship with the lazy corrupt Mexican "Government"


This Republican event and others like them need to be attend to make sure RINOs don't think about accepting path to legal status salesmen.

Pulaski County Republican Committee Thursday, July 7 · 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Location Republican Party of Arkansas Headquarters
1201 W. Sixth Street Pulaski County Republican Committee

6:00 to 6:30 p.m. Social and Refreshments* 6:30 p.m. Leadership Meeting

Continue reading on Back from the Fourth of July - Little Rock Immigration
At the Arkansas Tea Party meeting at Apolistic Church in North Little Rock.
Just got done getting my tire fixed at John Miller tire, getting ready for the AR Tea Party tonight.