Thursday, March 31, 2011

Josh Mesker talked about the pro-abortion House Health Committee!
Abortion Testimony Silences ACLU (for a while)
Allen Kerr talking about Interim Study on 102.9 KARN.
Details on Obeebecare stoppage!

Obeebecare shall not Pass!

The implementation of Obamacare in Arkansas, was slowed down today! HB2138, which gave Beebe cronie Jay Bradford the ability to implement parts of Obamacare had passed the house and was on the way to the Senate. The funding for HB2138 was $1 million as part of the Insurance Department's budget, which was HB1226. After efforts to amend the Obamacare funding out of HB1226 were blocked, a handful of conservatives managed to block HB1226 and forced a deal to be made. HB2138 will be placed on interim study, while HB1226, with the Obamacare funding will be passed. They will have the funding for Obamacare, but supposedly, they won't be able to implement it unless a special session is called. Obeebecare Implement Bill:

The conservative hold out vote. Despite an attempt to blame Republicans for destroying the Insurance Department (which is a matter I talkd about earlier: LR immigration examiner are-they-worth-it Notice that some Republicans had caved, but a handful of conservatives did not! 3rd vote

Here are the real heroes in stopping Obamacare! Nays: 19 Baird Bell English Garner Hammer Harris Hobbs Hopper Hubbard Hutchinson Lea Malone Mauch Mayberry D. Meeks S. Meeks Sanders Stubblefield Woods More stuff to deal with tomorrow!

HB2138, The Obeebecare implementation bill, has been put to interim study in exchange for the insurance dept. budget. being passed!
Heading from work back up to the Capitol. What's going on up there?
Obamacare battle in Arkansas has a new twist

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What would really happen if the insurance commission were to not get their million dollars in budget this session?
Another attempt was made to pass HB1226 around 4:30pm, the insurance dept. budget, which would have implemented Obamacare if HB2138 passes!
Pro Abortion Arkansas Attorney General's politics!
HB1836, the Gerrymander Bill by Hall, is the last bill on the Agenda for the Regular Arkansas House Today!
HB2138, the ObeebeCare Bill, is the 5th bill on the regular Arkansas House Session today!
Live Feeds of the Arkansas House and Senate Sessions:
No live feed in 272.
Arkansas Voter Security Bill
In room 272, waiting for the Senate Health, Welfare, and Labor. Several bills will be coming up!
Voting security bill being talked about in the OSC Room!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

SB871 is basically a shell bill.
SB871, a redistricting bill, is to be heard in the OSC, where no live feed is available. Video will be on youtube keeparkansaslegal ASAP.
Redistricting is supposed to happen in the OSC Courthouse at the Capitol. Only 1 Senator has shown up so far.
Looks like the Senate Committee on Public Health and stuff won't have a quorum soon. About to head over to OSC and see what's going on.
The Senate Committee on Health, Welfare and Labor is meeting in 272. SB880, SB709, and other bills are on the agenda and may come up.
SB880, The Senate version of Obeebecare, will be heard in room 272, upon adjornment of the Arkansas Senate today!
HB1450 testimony and final vote!
HB1450 was amended from shall to may, which shouldn't allow implementation of AR Cap & Trade.
SB880, OBeebeCare will be up today in room 272 after the 11am Senate Meeting.
HB1450 sponsor Rep. Barnett is in room 171.
In room 171, insurance & commerce. Trying to stop the AR Carbon storage act.
Sorry for the late post, had several errands to run!

Monday, March 28, 2011

HB2138 Obeebecare Debate

HB2138, A bill to allow the insurance commissioner (Beebe Cronie Jay Bradford) to implement parts of the Federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was debated March 28th 2011. The final vote for HB2138 was cast down party lines, except for 2 representatives who were not present. HB2138 had been voted down before but had been amended for another vote.

Openning and Barry Hyde limits debate yet again.

Jay Bradford speaks for Obeebecare

Dan Greenburg

HB2138 Final Vote

Barry Hyde limits debate yet again, this time during an Obeebecare Bill!
Confusion about Gerrymandering effort in Arkansas

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Worship Service 7pm tonight at Alliance Bible Church 295 west military drive, north little rock.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

HB1902, the AR Diesel Tax, will be in room 309 after the regular session. It's low on the list, but many of those bills are passed quickly.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Arkansas Obamacare Videos

Some highlights of SB709, A Healthcare Accountability Act for Arkansas, that was voted down party lines.

Link broke down again, here's another link

Link cut out again, here's the new one.
Old link cut out, if this one dies, just stay on the Justin TV keeparkansaslegal account.

Live Feed for SB709, healthcare accountability act

Watch live video from keeparkansaslegal on
The live feed link for SB709, the healthcare reform accountability act:
Room 272 is packed. 3 people are signed up to speak against SB709, a bill that demands accountability to healthcare!

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Obamacare in Arkansas Alert!


Dear friends,

Well.. get this... Our Socialistic Governor met with Mr. Obama recently. Our governor has agreed that Arkansas will be the first state to implement Obamacare. Mr. Beebe announced this to the leadership at the Capitol yesterday. He will be changing Medicare by his own power, very likely in April or May. He is clearly on the side of the Socialist. After learning this Mr. Garner will not be presenting his capital gains tax bill tomorrow.

Senator Missy Irwin will be presenting a bill at 10:00 am to the Senate Health Committee, which will be our first line of defense against this Socialist move by Mr. Beebe. We are asking all who care about healthcare to come to the Capital tomorrow to the Senate Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee, Room 272, around 9 am meeting begins at 10 am. If you have any old signs against socialized healthcare bring them Remember no sticks, just signs.

Securing the Blessings of Liberty,
Several bills were filed yesterday on many issues.

Constitution Study Video Footage

Thursday, March 03, 2011

I'll be on at 4:30pm, not 5pm. An important discussion over HB1450 on right now.
Listen to 102.9 KARN for Arkansas Legislation updates!
In the Arkansas Conservative Caucus Meeting!
Questions by the Committee on HB1479, a conceal carry bill for school faculty.
HB1479, conceal carry for school employees, now being introduced in room 138
The Arkansas Conservative Caucus will meet in the Capitol Cafeteria at noon

Conceal carry bill shoul be coming up soon.