This is the website of Keep Arkansas Conservative an organization dedicated to stopping big government legislation in Central Arkansas. If you have any photos, video, stories, or other material; feel free to contact us at -Kenny
Monday, January 31, 2011
Arkansas Bill Update!
HB1205 is critical for the health and welfare of the citizens of Arkansas. HB1205 could be one of the most important bills filed this session. Secure Arkansas backs this bill wholeheartedly and needs your help to get it passed.
This bill circumvents rhetoric and endorsements and goes directly to accountability for the water/people treatment product delivered. In recent years there had been many inconsistencies about the contents of the products currently used for the treatment of tooth decay via the water supply. We believe that consumers have the right to know what a product contains, whether it is safe for all to consume and where it came from. Disclosure of content, contamination and origin are essential for us to have any confidence in chemicals being added to our water for treatment of any disease. HB1205 will insure that the regulations of Standard 60 (FEDERAL and STATE laws) be followed exactly. In short, it lets the facts declare themselves.
Continue to support HB1008, the proof of citizenship for in-state tuition bill, it has been tabled pending information from The Department of Higher Education.
Secure Arkansas has already had some success in blocking bad bills. SB3, a bill that would require translators for certain jobs was pulled! We are still keeping an eye on the sustainable development bills, but Denny Altes has promised to pull down those bills after pressure from Secure Arkansas.
A video about chemicals in water supply.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
In-State Tuition for Illegal Aliens Fight
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Important Bills this week!
We the Tea Party need your presence tomorrow, Wednesday, January 26th at the State Capitol at 9:30 am- Room 151
You can call the House Floor at 501-682-6211
and send a message to this committee members
HB 1013 is NOT what it is appears to be!!
It's just an Anti-Contractor bill to try and advance the Union advantage.
We are a Right to Work state.
This bill doesn't really care about illegal aliens, they just want to force contractors to be liable for other people's employees (i.e. subcontractors, a seperate legal entity)
Contractors are already responsible for hiring their own legall labor.
The bill is backed by the IBEW... the Union that was the muscle for Obama... think they are all about stopping illegal immigrants?????
The only emails we've gotten FOR the bill have come from organized labor.
This bill is really about furthering the Union's Hold over our Job force.
Thursday, Jan 27th at 10am in rm 138, HB1008, A bill requiring proof of citizenship before getting state benefits, will be the first bill on the agenda for the Education Committee. This is a Secure Arkansas Bill. To read more about HB1008, visit this link:
Arkansas Obamacare Fight and State of the Union Speech!
Here is the roll call vote of Representatives that voted against HB1053; Allen, Fred (D-33)/Gaskill, Billy (D-78)/Hall, Clark (D-13)/Hyde, Barry (D-40)/Leding, Greg (D-92)/Lovell, Buddy (D-56)/Pennartz, Tracy (D-65)/Perry, Mark (D-44)/Smith, Garry L. (D-7)/Wagner, Charolette (D-77)/Wilkins, Butch (D-74)/ and Word, James L. (D-16). Committee Chairman Tyler, Linda S. (D-45), refused to vote.
Many people had signed up to testify, but the liberal committee limited public comments to only 30 minutes for both sides after a proposal was made by Barry Hyde. This denied many people who wanted to speak both for and against the bill the chance to speak. Some of the most interesting videos are below. The rest are on the youtube account: keeparkansaslegal
___________________ will have a Live Thread (and possibly a drinking game) for the State of the Union address by Obama and the rebuttals!
Link is here: State of the Obama Speech
Monday, January 24, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Ice Storm cuts AR Legislature Session short!
Here's some more video of the AR Tea Party Rally!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Arkansas State Capitol Update 01192011
Other bills to watch on 01/19!
HB1063, the bill that would have given raises to judges, which should have the raises removed will be voted on 9:00 AM Room A, MACJOINT BUDGET COMMITTEE. There is no broadcasting equipment for the OSC, and I will have to be in Room 138.
HB1017, the open checkbook act, will be in Room 151 STATE AGENCIES & GOVT'L AFFAIRS- HOUSE, which starts at 10am.
The Arkansas Tea Party held a rally at the Arkansas State Capitol Tuesday January 18th 2011. Speakers included David Crow of the Faulkner County Tea Party, Randy Alexander of the Washington County Tea Party, Todd Sharp of Secure Arkansas, and Glenn Gallas of the Garland County Tea Party! Over 100 people were able to attend the event that took place at 10:30am. Afterwards, several Tea Party members ate at Franke's Cafeteria. We also had several meetings with conservative activist.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Friday, January 07, 2011
Arkansas Legislation Rally!/event.php?eid=139568462764165
You can also look at this website for updates. There maybe weather delays for Jan 10th.
The Paint the Town Red Rally will also take place on Jan 10th.!/event.php?eid=172266536138437
Several States have already passed measures to force illegal aliens out. Probably the best was Missouri. As new conservative state legislators are sworn in across the country, more immigration reform bills will be passed while bills that reward illegal aliens will be blocked.
Arizona Resident Takes on Illegal Immigrants