Monday, December 26, 2011

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

listening to 102.9 KARN talking about the lake maumelle watershed zoning takeover

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

Obamacare Town Hall in Little Rock tomorrow, October 11, 2011 at the Embassy Suite beginning at 9:30 am.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Monday, October 03, 2011

The Next Curtis Coleman Session will be "Obamacare and the Constitution" Monday Nov 7th at the Apolistic Church in North Little Rock.
At Apolistic Church learning about the US Constitution and it's Origins from Curtis Coleman.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Arkansas Obamacare videos

Arkansas Obamcare Meeting videos

The Joint Interim Committee on Advanced Communications and Information Technology held a meeting with Arkansas Insurance Department about the proposed Arkansas Obamacare Exchange program at the State Capitol MAC building in Little Rock, Arkansas. The presentation was made by the Arkansas Insurance Commissioner and Mike Beebe crony Jay Bradford. Also present was Arkansas Soros Lady (aka Cynthia Crone), the Exchange Planning Project Director, who was also a project director for The Open Society, a George Soros Funded Organization.

Jay Bradford wanted the Arkansas State Legislature to join the Governor in requesting $3.8 million more in funding to continue the "study" aspects of the Arkansas Obamacare Exchange. It later turns out that Bradford also wants ad funding to "educate" the public. As usual, the average working person was never thought of when the meeting was scheduled, only an audience of about 30 people were present. The Arkansas Based Healthcare ExChange is an attempt to implement business killing Obamacare on a state level, not taking control of an exchange program away from the Federal Government. Below are some videos of the meeting. More are on the youtube account

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

@AttackWatch anti liberal propoganda!
@karnnewsradio @AttackWatch Arkansas and British Conservative mock Obama on KARN 102.9 FM, Contact Dave Elswick ASAP! # AttackWatch!
@AttackWatch There's a guy using tax funds to give guns to illegal aliens and framing US Gun Owners! Contact the Justice Dept! AttackWatch
White County voted down a sales tax! Now watching NY District 9
Stodola Slush Fund Little Rock Sales Tax passes 54% 46%. Boycotting Government Worker Land.
Little Rock Sales Tax update as of 9:36pm 53% For 47% Against with 49% of the precincts reporting in.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Was the debate another media circus with 1 minute responses that tell little about the performance record of the candidates?
Stop the Little Rock Sales Tax, need to cover conservative precints.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

We need people to protest at the Pulaski County Courthouse where people early vote on the LR Sales Tax Thursday and Friday 8-5pm.
What are the voting districts with the highest Republican Turnout in 2010 & other places to do door to door to stop the LR Sales Tax?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011

Watershed Meeting tonight at 7pm 20100 Hwy 10
Central Arkansas Water admitted that there's been no cost comparison between the Lake Maumelle Watershed Plan and a Water Filtration System
About 40 people in a packed room at the AR Studies Institute for the Lake Maumelle Watershed Meeting.
Lake Maumelle meetings today

AR Studies Inst., 401 Pres Clinton Ave 1:30-3:30 pm

Winfield United Methodist Church, 20100 hwy 10 7-9 pm

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Iowa results
Bachmann 4823,
Paul 4671,
Pawlenty 2293,
Santorum 1657,
Cain 1456,
Romney 567,
Gingrich 385,
Huntsman 69,
McCotter 35,
Rick Perry & illegal immigration
I want Perry to sign a "no path to legal status for illegal aliens" pledge and push for the Sensenbrenner Immigration Reform Bill.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pouting Pawlenty on Hannity right now.
Bachmann on Fox News with Hannity right now.
Of course RomneyCare looked "Presidential" he only had a few light challenges.
Stay tuned for the after debate comments.
Michelle Bachmann answered the debt ceiling well. Bachmann was proved right by the S & P downgrade over Fox News and their unamed analyst.
Bachmann handled the stupid "submission" question well. Was Hillary ever asked this question?
The MSM &Fox News have plenty of RINOs to prop up if Romney fails. After Guliani failed, they propped up McCain, Romney & Huckabee as spares
Bachmann looking OK considering Fox News has been using Tim Pawlenty to attack her. Now they’re using Pawlenty to attack Romney.
I wish a candidate would say the 1 minute rule sucks, change it to 3, and tell Fox News we care more about the people than Rupert Murdoch.
I'd rather have someone make a conservative stance on bills like Repealing Obamacare then have someone who "accomplishes".
What I would ask the GOP Candidates: Will you oppose any path to legal status for those illegally entered the country?
A link shown on the Live Thread Republican Debate
Watching O'Reilly right now. Brett Baier reminding people that Guliani was the media chosen Republican nominee for the 2008 elections.
Iowa Debate Link:

If you don't have cable:

Tuesday, August 09, 2011
The link on the next post is a facebook link to some Tim Griffin Townhalls. facebook photo album links are real long and crappy:
At the Arkansas Tea Party with Tim Griffin.
Videos and an event tonight!

Tim Griffin Townhall in Philander Smith College

Tim Griffin spoke at a townhall at Philander Smith in Little Rock. Several people attended, including members of the Tea Party and members of More Townhalls by Tim Griffin will be held for the month of August.

AR Tea Party meeting at Apolistic Church, NLR tonight at 6pm:
The AR Tea Party will have another Tim Griffin Townhall tonight:

Friday, July 29, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My first video of Abby Johnson in Little Rock:
I just got confirmation that Bishop Anthony Taylor was in Guatemala.
Can't see Mike Beebe, Dustin McDaniel, or any democrat elected officials at the Prolife Rally. I know there are prolife democrats in AR.
Many people here at the prolife rally in Little Rock, but I can't seem to find Arkansas Bishop Anthony Taylor.
Some video footage of the Abortion debate in Arkansas.
Abby Johnson talking about her Planned Parenthood work and the abortion debate.
At 1st Baptist Church off Pleasant Valley, setting up for the Pro-life Event!

Friday, July 22, 2011

misspelled "Congressional" but at least I'm not giving the Pelosi/Reid Congress spending spree a pass like the Fox News Debt Blame Poll is!
O'Reilly quotes rigged poll w/ only Obama or "Congressional Republicans" as options on who to blame for US debt. Congressonal Dems left out!
John Boehner about to show up on O'Reilly. Most Fox News workers want the Tea Party to cave.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

Michele Bachmann on O'Reilly Factor now! Should be shown on OReilly rerun at 10pm Central Time.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Getting ready to give a presentation about America's Great Awakening at Alliance Bible Church

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Stories and Events

Back from the Fourth!

Cartoon by Ramirez

Between the many holiday events and my tire getting a nail in it. I haven't blogged that much. It's great that we can celebrate the fact our Founders fought against a corrupt regime instead of just leaving to be slaves to another regime (Spainish or French Colonies). 3rd world governments depend on people leaving their country and not thinking like Constitutional Republic Founding Americans. Here are some stories and events.


Just saw this from Drudge. Obama believes that Texas should not execute an illegal alien rapist/murderer so that we can have a relationship with the lazy corrupt Mexican "Government"


This Republican event and others like them need to be attend to make sure RINOs don't think about accepting path to legal status salesmen.

Pulaski County Republican Committee Thursday, July 7 · 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Location Republican Party of Arkansas Headquarters
1201 W. Sixth Street Pulaski County Republican Committee

6:00 to 6:30 p.m. Social and Refreshments* 6:30 p.m. Leadership Meeting

Continue reading on Back from the Fourth of July - Little Rock Immigration
At the Arkansas Tea Party meeting at Apolistic Church in North Little Rock.
Just got done getting my tire fixed at John Miller tire, getting ready for the AR Tea Party tonight.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Eric Holder's attempt to frame drug violence on gun owners being talked about on O'Reilly rerun now!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A rerun of the Bill O'Reilly Show will have a dscussion of the Backdoor Amnesty in Congress.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Obama has failed hispanics

Arkansas Apportionment Footage

The State of Arkansas held a public meeting for apportionment of the Arkansas State Legislator. This redistricting based on the 2010 Census would establish the boundries for Arkansas House and Senate members. The apportionment process is handled by 3 state officies; Governor Mike Beebe, Attorney General Dustin McDaniel, and Secretary of State Mark Martin. Mike Beebe and Dustin McDaniel are Democrats while Mark Martin is a Republican.

The United States Congressional Districts were horribly Gerrymandered in favor of the Democrats with "The Fayetteville Finger". This was blocked in the Arkansas Legislator despite democrats being the majority in both House and Senate in exchange for a better map that still slightly benefits Democrats.

The Secretary of State Mark Martin has made a rough draft map, so has the apportionment board. Governor Mike Beebe's office and the Attorney General's office have not made rough draft despite FOI acts filed to request a rough draft. You can call the Governor's office at 501-682-2345. You can call McDaniel's office at (501) 374-0080.Every voter needs to see yet another example of corrupt democrat officials refusing to show transparancy to the public they are supposed to serve.

Monday, June 20, 2011

The 21st is tomorrow, not tonight. I just got my iphone replaced.
Meetings in Arkansas

Obeebecare Meeting

Partners for Inclusive Communities, a leftist government funded group, and UAMS College of Public Health held a community forum to share information. The Arkansas Insurance Department is planning a statewide health benefits marketplace, even if most of the State of Arkansas doesn't want it. Any plan made by this benefit exchange can be overturned by the Federal Government and would remain even if Obamacare is ruled unconstitutional or is repealed!

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Political Mistake in Arkansas!

Constitution Study 060711 Videos

A study about the founding of the United States of America was done Tuesday June 7 2011. Much of this study talked about how men are created equal and the difference between equal rights and equal things.

Monday, June 06, 2011

Breitbart: Bad RINO Leadership and Arkansas Culture

Conservative film activist Andrew Breitbart spoke in Little Rock on Wednseday May 25th at the Hilton Hotel. The room was packed with conservative activist and Tea Party members.Breitbart talked about dealing with the liberal media and how the left indoctrinate the public on so many levels. Americans for Prosperity hosted the event.

In the first video, Breitbart talks about the failures and greed of the Republican Leadership after a Q/A session. This same leadership could end up forcing Republicans to vote for yet again for another RINO like John McCain for the 2012 Election.

Watching Breitbart on Hannity right now!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

AR Gov employees helping lefist? here is a video of Jon Moran, employee of Gov. Mike Beebe.
Arkansas Blogs and more Breitbart Videos

More Breitbart Videos

Conservative film activist Andrew Breitbart spoke in Little Rock on Wednseday May 25th at the Hilton Hotel. The room was packed with conservative activist and Tea Party members. Breitbart talked about dealing with the liberal media and how the left indoctrinate the public on so many levels. Americans for Prosperity hosted the event

Friday, May 27, 2011

More Videos of Breitbart in Arkansas

Conservative film activist Andrew Breitbart spoke in Little Rock on Wednseday May 25th at the Hilton Hotel. The room was packed with conservative activist and Tea Party members. Breitbart talked about dealing with the liberal media and how the left indoctrinate the public on so many levels. Americans for Prosperity hosted the event.

Watching Andrew Breitbart on the Hannity rerun.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Andrew Breitbart in Arkansas

Andrew Breitbart speech in Little Rock

Conservative film activist Andrew Breitbart spoke in Little Rock on Wednseday May 25th at the Hilton Hotel. The room was packed with conservative activist and Tea Party members. Breitbart talked about dealing with the liberal media and how the left indoctrinate the public on so many levels. Americans for Prosperity hosted the event. More videos will be posted later. Some videos maybe out of order in timing.

Andrew Breitbart chatting before his speech in Little Rock. More will be posted on keeparkansaslegalblogspot:
Breitbart talking to a packed audience. Video will be up soon.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Just got done changing an air filter, fuel filter, and trying to fix my seatbelt. Getting ready for the Andrew Breitbart event tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Jacksonville/Cabot Tea Party

The Jacksonville/Cabot Tea Party met on Tuesday May 16 2011. The guest speaker was United States congressman Tim Griffin of the 2nd Congressional District of Arkansas.The Arkansas Tea Party attended the event and asked questions about spending and other issues.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

The GOP Presidential Candidates will have a debate 5/5/11

Leftist group immigration discussion videos

On Tuesday May 3rd, The leftist organization Just Communities for Arkansas held a public discussion on immigration titled The New Challenges of American Immigration: What Should We Do? A crappy video talking about the history of immigration was shown. Although the 9/11 attacks were mentioned as having a negative impact on immigration views, no mention was made of how the failures of our immigration system allowed terrorist to obtain student visas and stay in the country after the visas expired. No mention was made of illegal alien crime, drugs, 3rd world corruption, taxpayer funded benefits, or other major immigration issues.

Rather than a townhall, the room was divided into about groups of about a dozen or so people based on what tables they sat at. More limits were placed on what we could talk about as 3 "approaches" to dealing with immigration were given. None of the approaches talked about the border or seperated legal immigrants from illegal aliens. On several occasions, I bring up the fact that illegal aliens are the main issue, not diversity.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Reminder: illegal alien discussion tonight at the Clinton School of Public service 6pm, Sturgis Hall.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

We still need to drill our fossil fuels and kill off Sharia based Islamofacist groups/gvnmnts so we can end this War on Terror!
I have counted at least 6 "I's" from Obama!
Soros Puppet about to read a speech an hour late. It takes a while for the teleprompter to be worked on!
Bin Laden killed in Pakistan mansion, thank the troops & those who supported them!
Watching the UFC prelims on DVR while it rains outside.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tornado warning has passed where I live.
Storming going on. Listening to KARN 102.9 while flipping through local news when O'Reilly is on commercial.
Something to watch while it rains outside!

More video of the Arkansas Tea Party Rally

Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend. Bad weather has hampered some conservative events and cut power to my house for a while. Here are some more videos of the Arkansas Tea Party Rally. Tea Party Activist braved bad weather to rally April 15th. I've got some more stories to post, but I'm hearing the sirens for this storm as I am posting, so this will have to do for now.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Power was out at my house, then at my parent's house. Had to go to my parent's house to watch work being done, and just got back home.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Arkansas Tea Party Rally more videos

FRIENDS OF THE TEA PARTY'S of ARKANSAS "Tax Day T.E.A. Party" Rally was held Friday, April 15, 2011 at the Front Steps of the State Capitol, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. A deadly storm had occured the night before and was threatening rain during the whole event. These are more videos from the Tea Party Rally. The final set should be uploaded Tuesday Evening. Videos are uploaded to the youtube account You can subscribe to the channel

Media forced to report on what we know

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Some Video Footage of the Arkansas Tea Party Rally!

Arkansas Tea Party Footage

FRIENDS OF THE TEA PARTY'S of ARKANSAS "Tax Day T.E.A. Party" Rally was held Friday, April 15, 2011 at the Front Steps of the State Capitol, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. A deadly storm had occured the night before and was threatening rain during the whole event. Here are several videos of that event. More will be shown later.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Whitney Davis now speaking about the Federal Reserve!
Dave Elswick is about to speak!
Teresa Oelke is done speaking. Now Randy Alexander of the Washington County Tea Party!
Donny Roberts singing God Bless the USA
Senator Jason Rapert speaking
Mark Darr about to sing the National Anthem!
Glenn Galas speaking about the elections and history of the Tea Party.
Isom Kelly singing at the Arkansas Tea Party Rally at the AR Capitol.
Video will be on youtube account ArkansasTeaParty!
Getting ready for the Arkansas Tea Party Rally at the Capitol!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Won't be able to film the OBeebe event at UAMS tonight. A church service at Summit and an event beforehand are coming up.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Obamacare Event- Jackson T. Stephens Spine Institute 12th floor 5:30-7pm 4/14/11
Several Arkansas Events and some videos

Arkansas Tea Party Townhall Meeting

The Arkansas Tea Party held a townhall meeting at the Little Rock Holiday Inn Presidental Hotel. About 60 people attended the even. Arkansas Land Commissioner John Thurston, Garland Tea Party member Glenn Gallas, and State Representative David Sanders were the guest speakers.

A guest asked about who to look for when the redistricting and apportionment meetings begin. David Sanders, Todd Sharp, and Ken Yang give important advice on what concerned citizens need to do

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Arkansas Tea Party Townhall is about to start!
Amendment to SB792/HB1836 has passed committee. Have to leave for another meeting.
Representative Post talking yet again about the terrible process in the making of HB1836.
Several people speaking against HB1836, the Arkansas Gerrymandering Lite Bill.
Link to the Live Feed of the Gerrymander Debate
Videos of Arkansas Gerrymandering debate
AR House State Agencies Committee will meet at 2pm in room 151 over HB1836, the Gerrymandering Bill!
House will convene at 11:30am
HB1836 passes 60 to 24
Several Reps are speaking against HB1836
Watching the HB1836 Gerrymandering Debate in the Arkansas House. A democrat is speaking against Hall's new map!
The AR House is full of legislators & maps!

Friday, April 08, 2011

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Getting ready for the Founders Celebration.
Thompson map passes AR Senate!
Robert Thompson map passes Senate Committee. Senate will convene at 5pm today!
A Fayetteville Fist Map by Democrat Robert Thompson is being introduced in the OSC!
OSC getting packed! Looks like this meeting is actually going to happen!
The 4pm Redistricting meeting has been moved to 4:30pm
Waiting in the OSC to hear the debate on the Fayetteville Fist Redistricting map!
4pm meeting is not for certain either!
OSC meeting moved to 4pm. No reason given why.
Now changed. No time set
OSC redistricting Meeting at 3pm is about to start!
The AR Senators are still hanging around, but nobody's doing anything.
About 11 Arkansas Senators in the chamber so far.
More Senators showing up, may have a regular session. About to head up into the Senate Gallery.
Constitution Study Videos:
The Arkansas Senate Chamber is cleared out. Ruth Whitaker is in the hospital, Mary Ann Salmon was with her.
Please pray for Arkansas Senator Ruth Whitaker.
Senator Ruth Whitaker not feeling well in the Senate Chamber.
AR Senate in recess for now! Waiting with camera for Gerrymander Bill.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Gerrymander in Arkansas!
Over 30 people at the Origins of the Constitution Study!
Winter's coming back!
Watching the Regular House Session Now on Live Feed.
Won't be able to film the Redistricting vote in the OSC today, have had people working on my house.
AR Legislator still doing stuff.

Partisan Liberals vote down everything!

SB843, The Arkansas Human Heartbeat Protection Act, was debated before the Arkansas House Committee on Health, Welfare, and Labor. The democrat dominated committee voted down the bill after it had passed the Senate Health Committee and the full Senate. Several legislators simply failed to show up, which is an automatic NO vote. This kind of partisanship has occured with immigration reform bills and tax cuts of every kind. This type of behavior will continue until the leftist are voted out of the Arkansas Legislator!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Josh Mesker talked about the pro-abortion House Health Committee!
Abortion Testimony Silences ACLU (for a while)
Allen Kerr talking about Interim Study on 102.9 KARN.
Details on Obeebecare stoppage!

Obeebecare shall not Pass!

The implementation of Obamacare in Arkansas, was slowed down today! HB2138, which gave Beebe cronie Jay Bradford the ability to implement parts of Obamacare had passed the house and was on the way to the Senate. The funding for HB2138 was $1 million as part of the Insurance Department's budget, which was HB1226. After efforts to amend the Obamacare funding out of HB1226 were blocked, a handful of conservatives managed to block HB1226 and forced a deal to be made. HB2138 will be placed on interim study, while HB1226, with the Obamacare funding will be passed. They will have the funding for Obamacare, but supposedly, they won't be able to implement it unless a special session is called. Obeebecare Implement Bill:

The conservative hold out vote. Despite an attempt to blame Republicans for destroying the Insurance Department (which is a matter I talkd about earlier: LR immigration examiner are-they-worth-it Notice that some Republicans had caved, but a handful of conservatives did not! 3rd vote

Here are the real heroes in stopping Obamacare! Nays: 19 Baird Bell English Garner Hammer Harris Hobbs Hopper Hubbard Hutchinson Lea Malone Mauch Mayberry D. Meeks S. Meeks Sanders Stubblefield Woods More stuff to deal with tomorrow!

HB2138, The Obeebecare implementation bill, has been put to interim study in exchange for the insurance dept. budget. being passed!
Heading from work back up to the Capitol. What's going on up there?
Obamacare battle in Arkansas has a new twist

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What would really happen if the insurance commission were to not get their million dollars in budget this session?
Another attempt was made to pass HB1226 around 4:30pm, the insurance dept. budget, which would have implemented Obamacare if HB2138 passes!
Pro Abortion Arkansas Attorney General's politics!
HB1836, the Gerrymander Bill by Hall, is the last bill on the Agenda for the Regular Arkansas House Today!
HB2138, the ObeebeCare Bill, is the 5th bill on the regular Arkansas House Session today!
Live Feeds of the Arkansas House and Senate Sessions:
No live feed in 272.
Arkansas Voter Security Bill
In room 272, waiting for the Senate Health, Welfare, and Labor. Several bills will be coming up!
Voting security bill being talked about in the OSC Room!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

SB871 is basically a shell bill.
SB871, a redistricting bill, is to be heard in the OSC, where no live feed is available. Video will be on youtube keeparkansaslegal ASAP.
Redistricting is supposed to happen in the OSC Courthouse at the Capitol. Only 1 Senator has shown up so far.
Looks like the Senate Committee on Public Health and stuff won't have a quorum soon. About to head over to OSC and see what's going on.
The Senate Committee on Health, Welfare and Labor is meeting in 272. SB880, SB709, and other bills are on the agenda and may come up.
SB880, The Senate version of Obeebecare, will be heard in room 272, upon adjornment of the Arkansas Senate today!
HB1450 testimony and final vote!
HB1450 was amended from shall to may, which shouldn't allow implementation of AR Cap & Trade.
SB880, OBeebeCare will be up today in room 272 after the 11am Senate Meeting.
HB1450 sponsor Rep. Barnett is in room 171.
In room 171, insurance & commerce. Trying to stop the AR Carbon storage act.
Sorry for the late post, had several errands to run!

Monday, March 28, 2011

HB2138 Obeebecare Debate

HB2138, A bill to allow the insurance commissioner (Beebe Cronie Jay Bradford) to implement parts of the Federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was debated March 28th 2011. The final vote for HB2138 was cast down party lines, except for 2 representatives who were not present. HB2138 had been voted down before but had been amended for another vote.

Openning and Barry Hyde limits debate yet again.

Jay Bradford speaks for Obeebecare

Dan Greenburg

HB2138 Final Vote

Barry Hyde limits debate yet again, this time during an Obeebecare Bill!
Confusion about Gerrymandering effort in Arkansas

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Worship Service 7pm tonight at Alliance Bible Church 295 west military drive, north little rock.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

HB1902, the AR Diesel Tax, will be in room 309 after the regular session. It's low on the list, but many of those bills are passed quickly.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Arkansas Obamacare Videos

Some highlights of SB709, A Healthcare Accountability Act for Arkansas, that was voted down party lines.

Link broke down again, here's another link

Link cut out again, here's the new one.
Old link cut out, if this one dies, just stay on the Justin TV keeparkansaslegal account.

Live Feed for SB709, healthcare accountability act

Watch live video from keeparkansaslegal on
The live feed link for SB709, the healthcare reform accountability act:
Room 272 is packed. 3 people are signed up to speak against SB709, a bill that demands accountability to healthcare!

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Obamacare in Arkansas Alert!


Dear friends,

Well.. get this... Our Socialistic Governor met with Mr. Obama recently. Our governor has agreed that Arkansas will be the first state to implement Obamacare. Mr. Beebe announced this to the leadership at the Capitol yesterday. He will be changing Medicare by his own power, very likely in April or May. He is clearly on the side of the Socialist. After learning this Mr. Garner will not be presenting his capital gains tax bill tomorrow.

Senator Missy Irwin will be presenting a bill at 10:00 am to the Senate Health Committee, which will be our first line of defense against this Socialist move by Mr. Beebe. We are asking all who care about healthcare to come to the Capital tomorrow to the Senate Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee, Room 272, around 9 am meeting begins at 10 am. If you have any old signs against socialized healthcare bring them Remember no sticks, just signs.

Securing the Blessings of Liberty,
Several bills were filed yesterday on many issues.

Constitution Study Video Footage

Thursday, March 03, 2011

I'll be on at 4:30pm, not 5pm. An important discussion over HB1450 on right now.
Listen to 102.9 KARN for Arkansas Legislation updates!
In the Arkansas Conservative Caucus Meeting!
Questions by the Committee on HB1479, a conceal carry bill for school faculty.
HB1479, conceal carry for school employees, now being introduced in room 138
The Arkansas Conservative Caucus will meet in the Capitol Cafeteria at noon

Conceal carry bill shoul be coming up soon.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

HB1292 talk on hold for bad weather news
Listen to KARN News Radio at 4pm for a discussion about HB1292.

Still Too Many Liberals

Still Too Many Liberals

Today, HB1292, the bill to ban benefits to illegal aliens, was killed in committee. A few committee members didn't even state their vote .Liberal members attacked HB1292's sponsor Hubbard, accused voters of being ignorant, and demanded amendments to keep funding prenatal care. There were some legal problems with the bill, but liberal legislators refused to allow the bill to be pulled down. A roll call vote will be up tomorrow, but it will only show what has been an overall pattern with conservative bills, not enough Republican votes to pass.

SB113, an act to prohibit health insurance exchange policies from offering coverage for abortions, was sabotaged with a poision pill in the House Health Committee after making it out of the Senate. HB1053 was voted down in the same committee a few weeks earlier. HB1008, the bill to require proof of citizenship for in-state tuition, has been tabled in the Education Committee. HB1205, an effort to demand accountability for drinking water was killed by voice vote in the Public Health, Welfare, and Labor.

There are many problems in passing conservative legislation. We have a deceptive backdoor dealing liberal called Mike Beebe. The committees have been rigged with liberal committee chairs and memberships overstacked with democrats. In some cases, outnumbering Republicans 3 to 1. Of course we have a media that has doesn't give the details about what is going on. The many voters who are not watching one of the conservative blogs or listening to radio like 102.9 KARN, can't be able to know what is happening or why.

There also tends to be a problem in coordinating with conservative activist and legislators on overcoming the dirty tricks played by liberals in committee meetings. Several tax cuts managed to get out, but it's unknown if Beebe wil sabotage those bills to keep them off his desk or if he'll make up some budget excuse to veto those bills. The bottom line is, we will need to elect more conservative legislators in 2012. There is no such thing as a conservative democrat anymore.

Continue reading on Still too many liberals! - Little Rock Immigration |
Not feeling well

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

HB1292 was defeated with only 8 votes for the bill. A roll call vote should be up by sometime tomorrow.
HB1292 has failed.
Vote up now!
Several representatives are remaining silent on the effort to pull the bill for editing. The effort to pull the bill has failed.
Procedure stuff going on, no more testimony from the citizens.
Hubbard is again requesting the bill to be pulled for editing.
Illegals don't pay the same taxes as legal citizens. Hubbard is about to close for the bill. Vote to come up.
Confusion in the Arkansas House State Agencies and Government Affairs Committee. Somebody from the "center for artistic revolution" speaking

Live Feed of HB1292 is under House State Agencies and Government Affairs- Feb 23- Video
HB1292 after Regular Session Meeting is being broadcasted live!

HB1292 Video Highlights

Watch live video from keeparkansaslegal on>

Watch live video from keeparkansaslegal on
The Committee will adjorn 15 minutes after the regular session ends. approx 4pm more or less.
The regular session starts in about 30 minutes, we have 12 witnesses to speak and 5 minutes for closing. Time is running out.
The less benefits, the less illegal aliens, and therefore the less 3rd world diseases from illegal aliens.
Secure Arkansas volunteer speaking now.
4th amendment to the bill is being added.
5 minute recess on debate over HB1292.
Committee Questions are over, now deciding personal testimony times.
An amendment to HB1292 is being added by Andrea Lea.
Linda Tyler's "friend" needs to have some form of ID in order to obtain state benefits. Pennartz up now.
The opposition to HB1292 is making the perfect the enemy of the good. They are wanting the definition to what is "is".
Almost all of the committee members claim to not support illegal immigration, but then make excuses to oppose HB1292.
The solution to stopping 3rd world diseases is to reduce illegal immigration, not look the other way.
Missouri doesn't have the problem of needing prenatal care for illegal aliens. They have forced illegal aliens to leave.
If no illegal aliens are getting state benefits, why are so many people are in room 151 opposing HB1292?
Jim Nickels whining about his bill. Democrat Chair Clark Hall had to put him in his place.
Legislators are asking for legal codes that nobody knows about.
Rep Linda Tyler accuses the citizens of Arkansas of being "ill-informed", a nice way of saying the people of Arkansas are stupid!
A few bills to be worked on before HB1292.
Arkansas Legislature's Live Feed Link to the HB1292 debate
A second live feed for HB1292, State Benefits to illegals Bill Debate!
Ban on in-state benefits for illegal aliens in Arkansas fight update!


The follow members of the Arkansas House State Agencies and Government Affairs Committee are not confirmed yes votes for HB1292, the bill that would deny state benefits to illegal aliens. Please call, email, and fax these Committee Members and urge them to vote for HB1292, which will be up for a committee vote 022380 at 10am.

(D) Rep Tracy Pennartz, Dist.65, PO Box 10441, Fort Smith, AR 72917 479-285-4800

(D) Rep Johnnie J. Roebuck, Dist.20 Majority Leader, PO Box 533 Arkadelphia, AR 71923 870-403-4382 870-246-8500 870-246-6974 FAX

(D) Rep Tiffany Rogers, Dist.14, 92 Northcutt Lane, Stuttgart, AR 72160 870-830-3953 Business/Residence

(D) Rep Linda S. Tyler, Dist.45, 40 Richland Hills Drive, Conway, AR 72034-9673 501-329-8644

(D) Rep John T. Vines, Dist.25, 123 Market Street, Hot Springs, AR 71901-5308 501-624-1252

(D) Rep Butch Wilkins, Dist.74, 2639 County Road 333, Bono, AR 72416-7531 870-972-5503

(D) Chair Hall, Clark (D-13) -Rep. Clark Hall, Dist.13, 302 Elm Street Marvell, AR 72366 870-816-0231 870-829-3382

(D) Rep. Eddie L. Cheatham, Dist.9, 2814 Ashley 239 Crossett, AR... 71635 870-364-5659

(D) Rep. Larry Cowling, Dist.2, P. O. Box 427, Foreman, AR 71836 870-542-7453 fax 903-826-2686

(D) Rep. Jim Nickels, Dist.43, P. O. Box 6564, Sherwood, AR 72124 501-833-2424 501-834-2712


A live feed link has already been made for this committee meeting, you can watch here:

We will attempt to have another live feed link an hour before the committee meeting on JustinTV: under keeparkansaslegal

A facebook event to attend the committee is here:!/event.php?eid=111798122231723

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Fight like an Egyptian" yelled at the Arkansas AFL-CIO Rally at the State Capitol. Didn't see any reporters raped or fires set.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Liberals demanding impact studies that they know are not available on HB1002. lame attempt to delay the bill.
Beebe's backdoor deal to delay HB1002 in the AR House fails!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We have a balanced budget & we don't fudge it!
Correction, HB1002, not HB1008.
Ed Garner closing for HB1008, The Capital Gains Tax Reduction Bill for Arkansas!
Kook professor confuses and bores the Revenue & Taxation Committee.
Who made the leftist AR advocates for children & families the spokesman for the poor?

Live feed for AR House Revenue & Taxation
Governor Beebe is for higher taxes. He's got 2 guys speaking against HB1002. I wonder if there any backdoor deals done?
Hb1052, a gas tax reduction bill, passed in the Revenue & Taxation House Committee.
HB1008 won't be off the table today. Hb1002, capital gains tax reduction bill is being debated in fm 151!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Arkansas Bill Update 02122011

On Feb 16th, HB1292 was supposed to be the special order of business for the Committee on House Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs, but now that has been changed.
HB1292 has been scheduled for February 23, 10 a.m., my birthday.

HB1008, the bill that requires proof of citizenship for in-state tuition, is scheduled to be up on Feb 15 on the agenda for the House Education Committee. It is the 5th item on the agenda, and is still on the table. You can look at HB1008's progress and the committee members by clicking here:

MANASSAS, Va. – A Salvadoran man who was ordered deported nearly a decade ago but never left has been charged with three counts of first-degree murder in a series of shootings and a knife attack in a Virginia suburb of Washington, authorities said Friday.
Jose Oswaldo Reyes Alfaro, an illegal immigrant, was charged in the pair of attacks blocks apart Thursday night that left three people dead and three others injured, Manassas Police Chief Doug Keen said. more here....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Taped SB221, The Arkansas Transparency Act in OSC Room! No live feed in the OSC. The bill passed with all Committee Members voting yes!

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

HB1205 description


HB1205, which would require information about chemicals that are placed in drinking water bill, was debated before the House Public Health, Welfare, and Labor Committee of the Arkansas 88th Legislature. With 15 Democrats and 5 Republicans, the bill was voted down on party lines. The committee meeting started at 10am, the House Session wasn't until 1:30pm, but Representative Barry Hyde (D-40) forced debate to be limited to 15 minutes.

Some highlights of the committee debate are below:

HB1008, the bill that would require U.S. Citizenship or lawful presence in the United States for a person to be eligible for in-state tuition is still on the table! Contact the legislatures in the Education Committee. Details of the bill are here.


Link that describes HB1205
Todd Sharp now speaking for HB1205!
Finally, the Live Feed link for HB1205 in the previous post!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Secure Arkansas Bill up for a vote Tuesday at 10am room 130!

Arkansas Bill Update!

HB1205 The Arkansas Water Additive Accountability Act will be brought before the House Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee Tuesday Feb 1st at 10am in room 130. This is a Secure Arkansas supported bill and the most important to deal with for this week! The Committee Agenda is below, followed by a description of what HB1205 will do.

HB1205 is critical for the health and welfare of the citizens of Arkansas. HB1205 could be one of the most important bills filed this session. Secure Arkansas backs this bill wholeheartedly and needs your help to get it passed.

This bill circumvents rhetoric and endorsements and goes directly to accountability for the water/people treatment product delivered. In recent years there had been many inconsistencies about the contents of the products currently used for the treatment of tooth decay via the water supply. We believe that consumers have the right to know what a product contains, whether it is safe for all to consume and where it came from. Disclosure of content, contamination and origin are essential for us to have any confidence in chemicals being added to our water for treatment of any disease. HB1205 will insure that the regulations of Standard 60 (FEDERAL and STATE laws) be followed exactly. In short, it lets the facts declare themselves.

Continue to support HB1008, the proof of citizenship for in-state tuition bill, it has been tabled pending information from The Department of Higher Education.

Secure Arkansas has already had some success in blocking bad bills. SB3, a bill that would require translators for certain jobs was pulled! We are still keeping an eye on the sustainable development bills, but Denny Altes has promised to pull down those bills after pressure from Secure Arkansas.
A video about chemicals in water supply.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Videos of AR In-State Tuition for illegals fight!

In-State Tuition for Illegal Aliens Fight

HB1008, a bill that would require proof of citizenship was debated before the Education Committee on January 27th, 2011. Several people spoke for and against the bill. The Department of Higher Education was supposed to give detailed information on a memo sent months ago about students who's enrollment had been flagged as possibly being fraudulent. The Head of the Department of Education, former Democrat Senator Shane Broadway, failed to provide that information. Below are some youtube videos that highlight important events of the Committee hearing.

HB1008, being debated right now! Stopping in-state tuition for illegal aliens!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Important Bills this week!

From an email-

We the Tea Party need your presence tomorrow, Wednesday, January 26th at the State Capitol at 9:30 am- Room 151

You can call the House Floor at 501-682-6211
and send a message to this committee members

HB 1013 is NOT what it is appears to be!!
It's just an Anti-Contractor bill to try and advance the Union advantage.

We are a Right to Work state.

This bill doesn't really care about illegal aliens, they just want to force contractors to be liable for other people's employees (i.e. subcontractors, a seperate legal entity)

Contractors are already responsible for hiring their own legall labor.

The bill is backed by the IBEW... the Union that was the muscle for Obama... think they are all about stopping illegal immigrants?????
The only emails we've gotten FOR the bill have come from organized labor.

This bill is really about furthering the Union's Hold over our Job force.

Thursday, Jan 27th at 10am in rm 138, HB1008, A bill requiring proof of citizenship before getting state benefits, will be the first bill on the agenda for the Education Committee. This is a Secure Arkansas Bill. To read more about HB1008, visit this link:

Waiting for The State of the Obama speech to end & the rebuttals to begin!
Arkansas Obamacare Fight!
Live Thread: State of the Obama Speech Live Thread!

Arkansas Obamacare Fight and State of the Union Speech!

HB1053, The Arkansas Freedom in Choice Bill was presented to the Arkansas House Committee on Public Health, Welfare and Labor. HB1053 would have allowed Arkansas citizens to be exempt from the individual mandate rule in Obamacare. The Committee is one of the most liberal in this Arkansas Legislative Session, with 15 Democrats and only 5 Republicans. Here is the complete roll call vote of Representatives who voted for HB1053 with their party affiliation and state districts in(); Woods, Jon (R-93)/ King, Bryan B. (R-91)/ Lea, Andrea (R-68)/ Malone Stephanie (R-64)/ Mayberry, Andy (R-27), and 2 Democrats; Wardlaw, Jeff (D-8) and Lampkin, Sheilla E. (D-10).

Here is the roll call vote of Representatives that voted against HB1053; Allen, Fred (D-33)/Gaskill, Billy (D-78)/Hall, Clark (D-13)/Hyde, Barry (D-40)/Leding, Greg (D-92)/Lovell, Buddy (D-56)/Pennartz, Tracy (D-65)/Perry, Mark (D-44)/Smith, Garry L. (D-7)/Wagner, Charolette (D-77)/Wilkins, Butch (D-74)/ and Word, James L. (D-16). Committee Chairman Tyler, Linda S. (D-45), refused to vote.

Many people had signed up to testify, but the liberal committee limited public comments to only 30 minutes for both sides after a proposal was made by Barry Hyde. This denied many people who wanted to speak both for and against the bill the chance to speak. Some of the most interesting videos are below. The rest are on the youtube account: keeparkansaslegal
___________________ will have a Live Thread (and possibly a drinking game) for the State of the Union address by Obama and the rebuttals!
Link is here: State of the Obama Speech

AR state Democrat Representatives still think voters should be forced into Obamacare! HB1053 blocked! Details will be on KeepArkansasLegal!
HB1008, the state tuition bill, has been delayed until Thur. Everybody is in room 130!

Monday, January 24, 2011

About to watch Rep Meeks talk about his Arkansas Healthcare Choice Bill on KTHV channel 11
Just left a message for my AR Representative for District 40, Barry Hyde (D) to support The Arkansas free choice in healthcare bill HB1053!

Thursday, January 20, 2011