Somebody's making a New Year's Resolution, and wants to run the Country!
Acambaro chief to remain jailed on aliens charge BY MARK MINTON 12/28/07
FAYETTEVILLE — A judge denied bail Thursday for the Mexican restaurateur at the center of an immigration case that Hispanic leaders denounced as a quest to rid Northwest Arkansas of “undesirables.” U. S. Magistrate Judge James Marschewski ruled that Arturo Reyes Jr. will remain jailed until trial on charges of harboring illegal aliens, while his wife, Silvia Reyes, was released on $ 25, 000 bond. No trial date was set. Before the hearing, members of a newly formed group criticized the government for what they consider selective enforcement. Empowering local police to enforce federal immigration laws was supposed to deter serious criminals, not target Hispanicowned business that hire illegal aliens, Hispanic business owners and community leaders said in a statement released before Thursday’s court hearing.
Activist Jim Miranda, who read the statement, said it was endorsed by about 20 people who met recently to discuss the Dec. 10 raid on Acambaro Mexican restaurants in Washington and Benton counties.
Agents seized more than $ 3 million in property, froze bank accounts and arrested 23 illegal aliens, including four of Acambaro’s operators. Besides Reyes and his wife, the government charged Armando Reyes and Lucila Huaracha with harboring illegal aliens to make profits for their business. The 19 who weren’t charged face deportation. It was the first high-visibility raid since area police were tapped for immigration enforcement under the 287 (g ) provision of federal immigration law. “We will not stand to be singled out for unfair treatment,” Miranda said. The new group complained not only about selective enforcement but agents’ treatment of the Reyes family. Agents “busted in” the door of Arturo Reyes Sr. ’s $ 465, 000 home in Rogers and rifled through his wife’s purse, Miranda told reporters outside the Federal Building. In the fifth-floor courtroom, Marschewski ruled Arturo Reyes Jr., was a risk to flee, partly because his family owns a substantial ranch in Mexico and has relatives living there. But he ruled that Reyes’ wife, Silvia, a mother of five who is pregnant, could be released until trial. The judge said evidence presented Thursday indicated that she was less involved in the business than her husband. Having five children in Northwest Arkansas, all U. S. citizens, also would tie her to the area. He ordered electronic surveillance. About three dozen Reyes family members, along with sup- porters, attended the detention hearing. Arturo Reyes Sr., 69, the family patriarch who founded the chain, sat in the front row. Reyes Sr., a legal U. S. resident who was not charged in the raid, declined to comment after the hearing.
Read more at the link:
This is the website of Keep Arkansas Conservative an organization dedicated to stopping big government legislation in Central Arkansas. If you have any photos, video, stories, or other material; feel free to contact us at -Kenny
Friday, December 28, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Illegal immigrants "self deport" as woes mount
By Tim Gaynor Mon Dec 24, 3:05 AM ET
Mexican illegal immigrant Lindi sat down with her husband Marco Antonio in the weeks before Christmas to decide when to go back to Mexico. She has spent three years working as a hairdresser in and around Phoenix, but now she figures it is time to go back to her hometown of Aguascalientes in central Mexico. "The situation has got so tough that there don't seem to be many options left for us," Lindi, who asked for her last name not to be used, told Reuters. The couple are among a growing number of illegal immigrants across the United States who are starting to pack their bags and move on as a crackdown on undocumented immigrants widens and the U.S. economy slows, turning a traditional Christmas trek home into a one-way trip. In the past year, U.S. immigration police have stepped up workplace sweeps across the country and teamed up with a growing number of local forces to train officers to enforce immigration laws. Meanwhile, a bill seeking to offer many of the 12 million illegal immigrants a path to legal status was tossed by the U.S. Congress, spurring many state and local authorities to pass their own measures targeting illegal immigrants. The toughening environment has been coupled with a turndown in the U.S. economy, which has tipped the balance toward self deportation for many illegal immigrants left struggling to find work. "It is still just a thought, although we are preparing to leave," said Ernesto Garcia, a carpenter from Caborca in northwest Mexico, who stood in line at the Mexican consulate in Phoenix this week for paperwork that will allow him and his family to resume their lives south of the border.
There is no tally of the number of illegal immigrants who have already left the United States, many of whom simply head south over the border with their belongings packed into a car during the annual Christmas exodus, or board scheduled flights for other destinations.Mexican consular sources in Phoenix say they are seeing a spike in the number of immigrants applying for Mexican citizenship for their U.S.-born children, which will allow them to enroll in schools in Mexico. They are also seeing a rise in requests for papers enabling families to carry household belongings back to Mexico, free of import duties. Members of the Brazilian community in the U.S. northeast, meanwhile, say they are starting to see an increase in the number of illegal immigrants heading back to their homes in Brazil in recent months. "They are beginning to put in the balance the constant fear of being detained and deported, and many are deciding to leave," said Fausto Mendes da Rocha, executive director of the Brazilian Immigrant Center in Boston. Other returning immigrants cite a slowdown in the U.S. economy as a factor, and the falling value of the U.S. dollar against other currencies, which has eaten into the value of remittances sent to support families at home. Aluisio Carvalho, 66, left a wife and four children behind in Brazil in 2001 when he set off to find work in Boston. Since then, he has managed to pay for the education of his children by working in a restaurant, but is now planning to leave himself in February "Salaries are really low, and living costs are high. We also face too much exploitation at work here, too many demands," he said.
While some illegal immigrants are simply self deporting, others are moving within the United States to avoid federal immigration raids and pro-enforcement measures passed by a patchwork of state and local authorities. Among them are undocumented immigrants in Marshalltown, Iowa, where Mexicans and Central Americans workers at a Swift & Co meatpacking plant were arrested during coordinated immigration raids across six states a year ago that netted hundreds of employees. Moses Garcia, a U.S. citizen who came from Mexico 18 years ago and knew many of the families affected by the 2006 raid through his church and real estate work, said most of the workers have left to other states, not back to Mexico. "They feel like they are not welcome here," Garcia said. "They go to Minnesota, Atlanta, Nebraska, California." In Arizona, where some specially trained sheriff's deputies already enforce immigration laws and a new state law sanctioning businesses hiring undocumented workers is due to come in to effect January 1, many illegal immigrants are eyeing a move to states they see as less hostile. Among them is day laborer Fernando Gutierrez who trekked illegally into the desert state 18 months ago from Mexico, and is now thinking of joining a cousin working in Oregon in the Pacific northwest. "Everyone lives in fear of the police stopping you for some minor infraction and then asking for your papers," Gutierrez said as he touted for work in the chill morning air at a Phoenix day labor site. "I want to get as far away from here as possible." (Additional reporting by Adriana Garcia in Washington and Andrea Hopkins in Marshalltown; Editing by Eddie Evans)
A video about an assault committed by pro-illegal immigration activist:
Mexican illegal immigrant Lindi sat down with her husband Marco Antonio in the weeks before Christmas to decide when to go back to Mexico. She has spent three years working as a hairdresser in and around Phoenix, but now she figures it is time to go back to her hometown of Aguascalientes in central Mexico. "The situation has got so tough that there don't seem to be many options left for us," Lindi, who asked for her last name not to be used, told Reuters. The couple are among a growing number of illegal immigrants across the United States who are starting to pack their bags and move on as a crackdown on undocumented immigrants widens and the U.S. economy slows, turning a traditional Christmas trek home into a one-way trip. In the past year, U.S. immigration police have stepped up workplace sweeps across the country and teamed up with a growing number of local forces to train officers to enforce immigration laws. Meanwhile, a bill seeking to offer many of the 12 million illegal immigrants a path to legal status was tossed by the U.S. Congress, spurring many state and local authorities to pass their own measures targeting illegal immigrants. The toughening environment has been coupled with a turndown in the U.S. economy, which has tipped the balance toward self deportation for many illegal immigrants left struggling to find work. "It is still just a thought, although we are preparing to leave," said Ernesto Garcia, a carpenter from Caborca in northwest Mexico, who stood in line at the Mexican consulate in Phoenix this week for paperwork that will allow him and his family to resume their lives south of the border.
There is no tally of the number of illegal immigrants who have already left the United States, many of whom simply head south over the border with their belongings packed into a car during the annual Christmas exodus, or board scheduled flights for other destinations.Mexican consular sources in Phoenix say they are seeing a spike in the number of immigrants applying for Mexican citizenship for their U.S.-born children, which will allow them to enroll in schools in Mexico. They are also seeing a rise in requests for papers enabling families to carry household belongings back to Mexico, free of import duties. Members of the Brazilian community in the U.S. northeast, meanwhile, say they are starting to see an increase in the number of illegal immigrants heading back to their homes in Brazil in recent months. "They are beginning to put in the balance the constant fear of being detained and deported, and many are deciding to leave," said Fausto Mendes da Rocha, executive director of the Brazilian Immigrant Center in Boston. Other returning immigrants cite a slowdown in the U.S. economy as a factor, and the falling value of the U.S. dollar against other currencies, which has eaten into the value of remittances sent to support families at home. Aluisio Carvalho, 66, left a wife and four children behind in Brazil in 2001 when he set off to find work in Boston. Since then, he has managed to pay for the education of his children by working in a restaurant, but is now planning to leave himself in February "Salaries are really low, and living costs are high. We also face too much exploitation at work here, too many demands," he said.
While some illegal immigrants are simply self deporting, others are moving within the United States to avoid federal immigration raids and pro-enforcement measures passed by a patchwork of state and local authorities. Among them are undocumented immigrants in Marshalltown, Iowa, where Mexicans and Central Americans workers at a Swift & Co meatpacking plant were arrested during coordinated immigration raids across six states a year ago that netted hundreds of employees. Moses Garcia, a U.S. citizen who came from Mexico 18 years ago and knew many of the families affected by the 2006 raid through his church and real estate work, said most of the workers have left to other states, not back to Mexico. "They feel like they are not welcome here," Garcia said. "They go to Minnesota, Atlanta, Nebraska, California." In Arizona, where some specially trained sheriff's deputies already enforce immigration laws and a new state law sanctioning businesses hiring undocumented workers is due to come in to effect January 1, many illegal immigrants are eyeing a move to states they see as less hostile. Among them is day laborer Fernando Gutierrez who trekked illegally into the desert state 18 months ago from Mexico, and is now thinking of joining a cousin working in Oregon in the Pacific northwest. "Everyone lives in fear of the police stopping you for some minor infraction and then asking for your papers," Gutierrez said as he touted for work in the chill morning air at a Phoenix day labor site. "I want to get as far away from here as possible." (Additional reporting by Adriana Garcia in Washington and Andrea Hopkins in Marshalltown; Editing by Eddie Evans)
A video about an assault committed by pro-illegal immigration activist:
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Christianity and Illegal Immigration
Christianity and Illegal Immigration are two very important issues in the primary elections for President of the United States. Here's a video about how the Bible deals with some of the issues involved with illegal immigration.
Here's the text for the video:
Hello everyone. This is Kenny with keeparkansaslegal. A few days after the majority of Americans celebrate Christmas, the nation will begin the process of deciding the President of the United States in the form of primary elections. Many Presidential Candidates have portrayed themselves as a President with Christian compassion who will also be tough on illegal immigration. But how does a Christian leader deal with illegal immigration? Ignoring the statements by politicians and the opinion of a mostly anti-Christian media, we must first and foremost see what the Bible says.
Luke 14:13 13But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”
Luke 10:33-35 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. 35The next day he took out two silver coins[e] and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'
Notice the part where the government is to raise taxes to help the poor, of course not! The Bible’s statements to help the poor are directed to individuals to give of themselves, not tax others. Let’s see more of what the Bible says about helping the poor!
John 12:4-8 4But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected, 5"Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year's wages." 6He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it. 7"Leave her alone," Jesus replied. " It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial. 8You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me."
In the time of Jesus, just as today, there are many people who “help the poor” to benefit themselves and their agendas. We have seen this before from those who demand we pay more into corrupt welfare programs, and anti-Christian schools that continue to fail. Many in the illegal alien agenda claim to help the poor so that they can advance the ideas of multiculturalism, “Aztlan”, socialist equality, and of course “the children”. To criticize their agenda is portrayed as being “mean” to hispanics in poverty. But the Bible shows that this false compassion can actually hurt the poor!
Proverbs 17:23 A wicked man accepts a bribe in secret to pervert the course of justice.
Daniel 6:4 At this, the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent.
Matthew 23:1-4 1Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2"The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. 3So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.
Luke 2:46 Jesus replied, "And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.
The Mexican Government is well known for its corruption and negligence toward its people. Of course companies like Tyson Foods exploit illegals for the love of money. Yet we never hear any demand from many Christian Groups that the illegal exploiters pay for housing, healthcare, education, and other necessities. That burden has been put upon the U.S. taxpayer while the corrupt are rewarded. Just as in the time of Jesus, those in power still use this false compassion that ends up hurting others.
Mike Huckabee negotiated a 1.2 million dollar Mexican consulate in Little Rock, rewarding a regime that has neglected thousands of its citizens to death! The result is more illegal immigration in Arkansas, along with criminal organizations like the Acambaro Restaurant chain. Rudy Guliani protected the sanctuary city policy in NY that allows the next 9/11 terrorist to live in his city w/out fear of deportation. Terrorist, along with illegals can thrive in sanctuary cities. McCain’s comprehensive immigration bill would have blocked any chance of deportation for millions of illegals. Although McCain maybe tough on the war on terror abroad, his plan would make a problem that kills 25 Americans a day even worse!
It’s good to have a candidate who stands for his faith against the secular bigots in the Mainstream Media. But what matters the most is not what a candidate says they will do, or who endorses them, or what church they go to, what matters the most is what they did when they were in charge. Go to where you can see what these Presidential Candidates did for both parties. Compare their actions with what the Bible teaches.
Here's the text for the video:
Hello everyone. This is Kenny with keeparkansaslegal. A few days after the majority of Americans celebrate Christmas, the nation will begin the process of deciding the President of the United States in the form of primary elections. Many Presidential Candidates have portrayed themselves as a President with Christian compassion who will also be tough on illegal immigration. But how does a Christian leader deal with illegal immigration? Ignoring the statements by politicians and the opinion of a mostly anti-Christian media, we must first and foremost see what the Bible says.
Luke 14:13 13But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”
Luke 10:33-35 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. 35The next day he took out two silver coins[e] and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'
Notice the part where the government is to raise taxes to help the poor, of course not! The Bible’s statements to help the poor are directed to individuals to give of themselves, not tax others. Let’s see more of what the Bible says about helping the poor!
John 12:4-8 4But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected, 5"Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year's wages." 6He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it. 7"Leave her alone," Jesus replied. " It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial. 8You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me."
In the time of Jesus, just as today, there are many people who “help the poor” to benefit themselves and their agendas. We have seen this before from those who demand we pay more into corrupt welfare programs, and anti-Christian schools that continue to fail. Many in the illegal alien agenda claim to help the poor so that they can advance the ideas of multiculturalism, “Aztlan”, socialist equality, and of course “the children”. To criticize their agenda is portrayed as being “mean” to hispanics in poverty. But the Bible shows that this false compassion can actually hurt the poor!
Proverbs 17:23 A wicked man accepts a bribe in secret to pervert the course of justice.
Daniel 6:4 At this, the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent.
Matthew 23:1-4 1Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2"The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. 3So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.
Luke 2:46 Jesus replied, "And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.
The Mexican Government is well known for its corruption and negligence toward its people. Of course companies like Tyson Foods exploit illegals for the love of money. Yet we never hear any demand from many Christian Groups that the illegal exploiters pay for housing, healthcare, education, and other necessities. That burden has been put upon the U.S. taxpayer while the corrupt are rewarded. Just as in the time of Jesus, those in power still use this false compassion that ends up hurting others.
Mike Huckabee negotiated a 1.2 million dollar Mexican consulate in Little Rock, rewarding a regime that has neglected thousands of its citizens to death! The result is more illegal immigration in Arkansas, along with criminal organizations like the Acambaro Restaurant chain. Rudy Guliani protected the sanctuary city policy in NY that allows the next 9/11 terrorist to live in his city w/out fear of deportation. Terrorist, along with illegals can thrive in sanctuary cities. McCain’s comprehensive immigration bill would have blocked any chance of deportation for millions of illegals. Although McCain maybe tough on the war on terror abroad, his plan would make a problem that kills 25 Americans a day even worse!
It’s good to have a candidate who stands for his faith against the secular bigots in the Mainstream Media. But what matters the most is not what a candidate says they will do, or who endorses them, or what church they go to, what matters the most is what they did when they were in charge. Go to where you can see what these Presidential Candidates did for both parties. Compare their actions with what the Bible teaches.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
More illegal stuff in Arkansas
More Acambaro Documents Unsealed
FAYETTEVILLE -- Details about the government's case against the owners and operators of Acambaro Mexican restaurants continue to trickle in as two more cases have been unsealed. The latest allegations are that employees worked up to 60 hours a week and were not paid time and a half as required. The overtime was paid in cash at the employee's normal pay rate, according to the complaint against Armando Reyes, 33. The complaint against Lucila Huracha, 33, alleges she hired illegal immigrants to work at the businesses and handled employee eligibility forms. The complaint says Huracha assisted employees in getting stolen, borrowed or fictitious identification documents.
Armando Reyes and Huracha were arrested last week along with Arturo Reyes Jr., 35, and Silvia Reyes, 36, in raids on the restaurant chain and a distribution company operated by the Reyes family. All are in the country illegally, according to police. Court documents say the unlawful activity included identity theft, possession and use of counterfeit identity documents, employment eligibility verification fraud and money laundering. The cases were electronically unsealed late Friday evening. Armando Reyes is the younger brother of Arturo Reyes and helps manage the businesses, according to the government. They're all charged with harboring illegal immigrants. The government says the Reyes clan used illegal immigrants as the primary source off their work force and paid them off the books, allowing the business to make a profit. All four are being held on detainers from Immigration and Customs Enforcement and cannot bond out of jail.
Members of the Northwest Arkansas Immigration Criminal Apprehension Task Force raided Acambaro restaurants at 215 S. Eighth St. in Rogers, at 121 N. Thompson St. in Springdale, at 301 S. Walton Blvd. in Bentonville and at 406 N. Bloomington in Lowell Dec. 10. Federal officials have requested the forfeiture of 11 properties worth an estimated $3.6 million owned by a member or members of the Reyes family in Benton and Washington counties.
IDs for aliens draw fire[Arkansas]
This organization is even too illegal for the pro-illegals! Maybe Huckabee can negotiate a company to build a 1.2 million dollar facility for the Latin Community Organization of Malvern! Maybe he can cyphon several thousand dollars in tax money to the organization! Of course the owners of the Acambaro Restaurant Chain could have built a Mexican Consulate with the millions they made off of crime thanks to the former and current Governors of Arkansas.
More Acambaro Documents Unsealed
FAYETTEVILLE -- Details about the government's case against the owners and operators of Acambaro Mexican restaurants continue to trickle in as two more cases have been unsealed. The latest allegations are that employees worked up to 60 hours a week and were not paid time and a half as required. The overtime was paid in cash at the employee's normal pay rate, according to the complaint against Armando Reyes, 33. The complaint against Lucila Huracha, 33, alleges she hired illegal immigrants to work at the businesses and handled employee eligibility forms. The complaint says Huracha assisted employees in getting stolen, borrowed or fictitious identification documents.
Armando Reyes and Huracha were arrested last week along with Arturo Reyes Jr., 35, and Silvia Reyes, 36, in raids on the restaurant chain and a distribution company operated by the Reyes family. All are in the country illegally, according to police. Court documents say the unlawful activity included identity theft, possession and use of counterfeit identity documents, employment eligibility verification fraud and money laundering. The cases were electronically unsealed late Friday evening. Armando Reyes is the younger brother of Arturo Reyes and helps manage the businesses, according to the government. They're all charged with harboring illegal immigrants. The government says the Reyes clan used illegal immigrants as the primary source off their work force and paid them off the books, allowing the business to make a profit. All four are being held on detainers from Immigration and Customs Enforcement and cannot bond out of jail.
Members of the Northwest Arkansas Immigration Criminal Apprehension Task Force raided Acambaro restaurants at 215 S. Eighth St. in Rogers, at 121 N. Thompson St. in Springdale, at 301 S. Walton Blvd. in Bentonville and at 406 N. Bloomington in Lowell Dec. 10. Federal officials have requested the forfeiture of 11 properties worth an estimated $3.6 million owned by a member or members of the Reyes family in Benton and Washington counties.
IDs for aliens draw fire[Arkansas]
This organization is even too illegal for the pro-illegals! Maybe Huckabee can negotiate a company to build a 1.2 million dollar facility for the Latin Community Organization of Malvern! Maybe he can cyphon several thousand dollars in tax money to the organization! Of course the owners of the Acambaro Restaurant Chain could have built a Mexican Consulate with the millions they made off of crime thanks to the former and current Governors of Arkansas.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Iye Caramba! (maybe misspelled)

Informants, Arrested Employees Led To Immigration Raid
FAYETTEVILLE -- Information from confidential informants and a series of arrests involving employees of Acambaro led federal officials to Arturo and Silvia Reyes, according to affidavits unsealed Friday. The husband and wife operate the Acambaro restaurant chain, Garibaldi's Mexican Restaurant and Garcia's Distributor, according to federal officials. They're charged with harboring illegal immigrants for financial gain and knowingly hiring them to work at the restaurants and food distribution company. Documents further indicate the alleged unlawful activity included identity theft, possession and use of counterfeit identity documents, employment eligibility verification fraud and money laundering. The affidavits say illegal immigrants were the primary source of employees for the company. Some had worked at the restaurant as long as seven years. They were paid "off the books," often in cash. Both Arturo and Silvia Reyes, who is pregnant, are in the country illegally, according to immigration officials. Arturo and Sylvia Reyes co-managed the businesses and Silvia Reyes kept the books, according to affidavits by Charles Motsinger, a Springdale police detective assigned to an immigration and customs enforcement task force.
The investigation began in September 2006 after a confidential informant told authorities Arturo Reyes, 35, was harboring and employing illegal immigrants at his business. Immigration officials and police then noticed a number of the illegal immigrants they were arresting turned out to be Acambaro employees. They started interviewing the arrested Acambaro employees in March and using information gained about hiring and pay practices to make a case against Arturo and Silvia Reyes, 36. They learned employees were either never asked to provide documentation or fake documents were used. Investigation of financial records indicated the Reyes were dealing in large sums of cash, which investigators thought was unusual because most restaurant patrons were paying with debit cards, according to the informants. Using illegal immigrants for their primary labor source and paying them off the books allowed the company to turn a profit, officials said. Arturo and Silvia Reyes, of Rogers, along with Lucila Huaracha, 33, of Rogers, and Armando Reyes, 33, of Lowell were arrested Monday in a raid by federal and local immigration enforcement. Huaracha and Armando Reyes are also in the country illegally, according to immigration officials.
Huaracha supervised workers she knew were illegal immigrants and she knew money she deposited for the restaurant didn't come from legal transactions, while Armando Reyes hired or helped hire illegal immigrants to work at the restaurants, according to the federal charges against them. All are set for probable cause hearings next Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Fayetteville. All four are being held in local jails on detainers from Immigration and Customs Enforcement and cannot bond out of jail. Federal officials have also requested the forfeiture of 11 properties owned by the Reyes family in Benton and Washington counties. Nineteen other people suspected of being illegal immigrants were arrested during the raids, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office. Their identities have not been released.
Nice to see the US government doing it's job. Unfortunately, this took over a year just for the investigation! We need to allow our local law enforcement officers to deal with the problem of illegal immigration so that doesn't take years to stop companies like the Acambaro Restaurant Chain.
Information about the Gilchrist "endorsement" of Huckabee
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Important Immigration links
To keep up with info about illegal immigration in Arkansas, email me at
To keep up with info about illegal immigration in Arkansas, email me at
Monday, December 10, 2007
Debate and discussion
I watched the spanish debate on Univision along with some of the analysis in English. Overall, it looked like the guy who won the most was immigration reformer by Duncan Hunter getting the loudest applause from the audience. According to the political experts like Dick Morris and others, those who are the loudest against illegal immigration should have been booed off the stage. I'm also glad to see that most of the candidates did not pander as much to illegal immigration and that the world was able to see that hispanics do care about things other than immigration. I am not suprised that the cowards at Univision made no effort to talk about abortion or Christian Rights. They along with the Hispanic "civil rights groups" do everything in their power to make sure politicans believe they can only get the hispanic vote by jumping through the hoops of their agenda. Here's the agenda from last night along with some comments:
Listen to 102.9 KARN tommorrow at around 3:00pm where illegal immigration in Arkansas will be discussed on the Dave Elswick show!
Listen to 102.9 KARN tommorrow at around 3:00pm where illegal immigration in Arkansas will be discussed on the Dave Elswick show!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Stupid excuses and an event to watch
Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe has now claimed that Arkansas can't enforce immigration law because the prisons are too crowded! See story below:
Tommorrow, Republican Candidates are supposed to debate on the channel Univision. I will watch this debate along with some analysis from other channels to see how the Candidates stand up to illegal immigration pandering. Broadcast time is Sunday 12/09/07 at 6pm.
Tommorrow, Republican Candidates are supposed to debate on the channel Univision. I will watch this debate along with some analysis from other channels to see how the Candidates stand up to illegal immigration pandering. Broadcast time is Sunday 12/09/07 at 6pm.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Huckabee: Immigrants' friend
(Titled "Liberal Star" in the paper)
Ernest Dumas
Mike Huckabee's star may fall as precipitously as it rose in the presidential stakes, but it is time to ask if something mysterious but important is happening in the electorate or if his rise is only evidence of a field of fatally vulnerable candidates. In the six months between the beginning of the debates and the Iowa caucuses, the only Republican candidate who has not fallen in the estimation of the polls is the one who is inarguably the most liberal and the one who sounds most like a Democrat. Huckabee would dispute that description but it comports with his record in Arkansas and even with his public utterances when he is forced to defend that record and in thoughtful moments far away from the madding crowds of Iowa and South Carolina Republicans. A month ahead of the caucuses Huckabee is leading the field in Iowa, and he has risen sharply in national polls so that he competes with the incredibly shrinking big four, which has to be a reflection of his glib, witty and saccharine performance in all the debates. It has liberal pundits across the country gushing about what a generous, reasonable and straight-shooting person he is. Those are not adjectives that many in his own party in Arkansas would have applied to the governor even a year ago. The Republican leader of the state Senate once called on him to be kinder in his public remarks about fellow Republicans.
If Republicans are turning to the moderate in a field of sullen men bent on seeing who can be the most reactionary, it is an unusual phenomenon. Republicans suspected they were nominating a liberal in 1952 when they picked Dwight Eisenhower over Mr. Conservative, Robert A. Taft, in the most contentious convention of modern times, but they did so because they thought he could beat the Democrats and that the sainted Taft, who wanted to roll back Social Security and the whole New Deal, couldn't. But winnability isn't Huckabee's secret. The same polls showing him gaining say that Republicans think he would be less likely than others to win. On the other hand, maybe the conservatives who see him as the truest ideologue just do not know him. His standard stump talk, which you can catch often on C-SPAN, does carry a litany of conservative dogmatisms: lower taxes, smaller government, abortion, gay marriage, and even tough immigration controls. Huckabee's immigration stance is at once the most emblematic of his liberal impulses and politically the most paradoxical because immigration is the dominant GOP issue. The campaign of Sen. John McCain, the early front-runner, imploded over his steadfast support of the administration's humane immigration bill, but Huckabee makes McCain look like a nativist. Romney tried to nail Huckabee in the last debate for passing a law giving children of illegal immigrants state-paid college scholarships and in-state tuition rates. Huckabee defended it eloquently, pointing out first that it did not become law — the House of Representatives passed it easily but Republicans blocked it in the Senate — and that he wanted to live in a country that did not punish children for the sins of their parents. (He also said the youngsters would have to have applied for citizenship to get a scholarship, which was not true. The bill said youngsters would have to give the college a statement that they intended to seek legal status some day.)
That bill was not an isolated instance. The highlight of his last two years in office was his running war with Republican lawmakers and the “Shiite wing” of his party — his words — over what he called their bigotry and fearmongering over immigration. He bitterly fought (with Democratic help) a Republican bill restricting government services to U.S. citizens, calling it race baiting and demagoguery, and when the bill failed he condemned a plan to put the same proposal on the ballot and doubted the “Christian values” of the sponsor. “What this has done is inflamed a whole lot of people's emotions, making them think we've got to rush in and pass some laws to stop some terrible thing going on that isn't going on,” he said. But it was going on. At Huckabee's behest, the state became one of only seven states that used Medicaid money to cover prenatal care for immigrant women because Hispanic women had an unusually high prenatal birth-defect risk. Over the objections of conservative nativists he worked to get a Mexican consulate in Little Rock to help immigrants with labor problems and getting papers. He condemned federal agents for raiding an Arkadelphia plant and instantly deporting Mexican workers and splitting their families. When a key administration official sent an email with some derogatory doggerel about Hispanic immigrants Huckabee dumped him with the admonition “racial stereotyping by state leaders is simply not funny and must be consequenced.”
In a remarkable talk to the Political Animals Club he said God had given America “a second chance” to do the right thing by treating Hispanics better than it had treated blacks for much of its history. “One of our greatest challenges is making sure we don't commit the same mistakes with our growing Hispanic population that we did with African-Americans 150 years ago and beyond,” he said. “I feel the Lord, frankly, has given us a second chance to do better than we did before. I hope we will do that.” Immigration is supposed to be the wedge issue for Republicans next year. If that's so, let's hope that Mike Huckabee is their man.
This is from the Arkansas Times, an anti-American fish wrap in Little Rock . As you can see, Ernest Dumas is a secular bigot who thinks those in the Republican Party who oppose illegal immigration are the same who set off car bombs and murder families. Since he writes for a leftist paper, perhaps Ernest think the Shiites are Freedom Fighters. The only reason I posted this lying pile of crap’s column is to show immigration reform activist that the left is proud of Huckabee’s immigration record.
There are several mistakes/lies made by Ernest. Conservative activist blocked HB1525, the bill that would have given in-state tuition for illegals. We had to because Huck would have signed it! Huckabee did help block SB206, the bill that would have required proof of citizenship for Government Services, and he did attack the Christianity the sponsor of SB206 Jim Holt. The Mexican consulate deal wasn’t done over any objections because it was done behind the backs of the people of Arkansas . The consulate doesn’t help immigrants, it gives matricular cards to illegals. Federal agents did not split families in Arkadelphia, the families lied when asked if they had children. Of course the illegals realized that it’s better to abandon your children in the greatest nation on earth than to take your children back to a third world dictatorship that starves it’s people to death. That third world dictatorship now has a consulate in Little Rock
Ernest Dumas
Mike Huckabee's star may fall as precipitously as it rose in the presidential stakes, but it is time to ask if something mysterious but important is happening in the electorate or if his rise is only evidence of a field of fatally vulnerable candidates. In the six months between the beginning of the debates and the Iowa caucuses, the only Republican candidate who has not fallen in the estimation of the polls is the one who is inarguably the most liberal and the one who sounds most like a Democrat. Huckabee would dispute that description but it comports with his record in Arkansas and even with his public utterances when he is forced to defend that record and in thoughtful moments far away from the madding crowds of Iowa and South Carolina Republicans. A month ahead of the caucuses Huckabee is leading the field in Iowa, and he has risen sharply in national polls so that he competes with the incredibly shrinking big four, which has to be a reflection of his glib, witty and saccharine performance in all the debates. It has liberal pundits across the country gushing about what a generous, reasonable and straight-shooting person he is. Those are not adjectives that many in his own party in Arkansas would have applied to the governor even a year ago. The Republican leader of the state Senate once called on him to be kinder in his public remarks about fellow Republicans.
If Republicans are turning to the moderate in a field of sullen men bent on seeing who can be the most reactionary, it is an unusual phenomenon. Republicans suspected they were nominating a liberal in 1952 when they picked Dwight Eisenhower over Mr. Conservative, Robert A. Taft, in the most contentious convention of modern times, but they did so because they thought he could beat the Democrats and that the sainted Taft, who wanted to roll back Social Security and the whole New Deal, couldn't. But winnability isn't Huckabee's secret. The same polls showing him gaining say that Republicans think he would be less likely than others to win. On the other hand, maybe the conservatives who see him as the truest ideologue just do not know him. His standard stump talk, which you can catch often on C-SPAN, does carry a litany of conservative dogmatisms: lower taxes, smaller government, abortion, gay marriage, and even tough immigration controls. Huckabee's immigration stance is at once the most emblematic of his liberal impulses and politically the most paradoxical because immigration is the dominant GOP issue. The campaign of Sen. John McCain, the early front-runner, imploded over his steadfast support of the administration's humane immigration bill, but Huckabee makes McCain look like a nativist. Romney tried to nail Huckabee in the last debate for passing a law giving children of illegal immigrants state-paid college scholarships and in-state tuition rates. Huckabee defended it eloquently, pointing out first that it did not become law — the House of Representatives passed it easily but Republicans blocked it in the Senate — and that he wanted to live in a country that did not punish children for the sins of their parents. (He also said the youngsters would have to have applied for citizenship to get a scholarship, which was not true. The bill said youngsters would have to give the college a statement that they intended to seek legal status some day.)
That bill was not an isolated instance. The highlight of his last two years in office was his running war with Republican lawmakers and the “Shiite wing” of his party — his words — over what he called their bigotry and fearmongering over immigration. He bitterly fought (with Democratic help) a Republican bill restricting government services to U.S. citizens, calling it race baiting and demagoguery, and when the bill failed he condemned a plan to put the same proposal on the ballot and doubted the “Christian values” of the sponsor. “What this has done is inflamed a whole lot of people's emotions, making them think we've got to rush in and pass some laws to stop some terrible thing going on that isn't going on,” he said. But it was going on. At Huckabee's behest, the state became one of only seven states that used Medicaid money to cover prenatal care for immigrant women because Hispanic women had an unusually high prenatal birth-defect risk. Over the objections of conservative nativists he worked to get a Mexican consulate in Little Rock to help immigrants with labor problems and getting papers. He condemned federal agents for raiding an Arkadelphia plant and instantly deporting Mexican workers and splitting their families. When a key administration official sent an email with some derogatory doggerel about Hispanic immigrants Huckabee dumped him with the admonition “racial stereotyping by state leaders is simply not funny and must be consequenced.”
In a remarkable talk to the Political Animals Club he said God had given America “a second chance” to do the right thing by treating Hispanics better than it had treated blacks for much of its history. “One of our greatest challenges is making sure we don't commit the same mistakes with our growing Hispanic population that we did with African-Americans 150 years ago and beyond,” he said. “I feel the Lord, frankly, has given us a second chance to do better than we did before. I hope we will do that.” Immigration is supposed to be the wedge issue for Republicans next year. If that's so, let's hope that Mike Huckabee is their man.
This is from the Arkansas Times, an anti-American fish wrap in Little Rock . As you can see, Ernest Dumas is a secular bigot who thinks those in the Republican Party who oppose illegal immigration are the same who set off car bombs and murder families. Since he writes for a leftist paper, perhaps Ernest think the Shiites are Freedom Fighters. The only reason I posted this lying pile of crap’s column is to show immigration reform activist that the left is proud of Huckabee’s immigration record.
There are several mistakes/lies made by Ernest. Conservative activist blocked HB1525, the bill that would have given in-state tuition for illegals. We had to because Huck would have signed it! Huckabee did help block SB206, the bill that would have required proof of citizenship for Government Services, and he did attack the Christianity the sponsor of SB206 Jim Holt. The Mexican consulate deal wasn’t done over any objections because it was done behind the backs of the people of Arkansas . The consulate doesn’t help immigrants, it gives matricular cards to illegals. Federal agents did not split families in Arkadelphia, the families lied when asked if they had children. Of course the illegals realized that it’s better to abandon your children in the greatest nation on earth than to take your children back to a third world dictatorship that starves it’s people to death. That third world dictatorship now has a consulate in Little Rock
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Arkansas Immigration Debate on TV
CNN's Lou Dobbs Recently talked about the new illegal lobbying group in Arkansas:
Here is a video about the local effort to fight illegal immigration in Arkansas:
Here is a video about the local effort to fight illegal immigration in Arkansas:
I can't find transcripts from either of the Lou Dobbs shows. Below is a story that we may soon see in Arkansas:
I was for in-state tuition for illegals before I may be against it on a federal level
Lincoln supports college aid for children of illegal immigrants;
Huckabee no longer sure
By Jason Wiest
LITTLE ROCK -- Sen. Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark., voiced support for providing some children of illegal immigrants with college aid Monday, a day after Republican presidential contender Mike Huckabee said he was not sure he would support such a program at the federal level. When Huckabee was Arkansas governor, he supported legislation in 2005 that would have granted in-state tuition to the children of illegal immigrants. The measure, an early version of which also would have made undocumented immigrants eligible for state scholarships, passed the state House but fell short in the Senate.
Huckabee, who is surging in polls in advance of Iowa's first-in-the-nation Jan. 3 political caucuses and has come fire from GOP opponents because of his stance on immigration, on Sunday was noncommittal on federal legislation that would make the children of illegal immigrants eligible for federal student aid such as Pell grants and subsidized federal student loans. "I'm not sure I would support that. It was a different program in Arkansas," he said of the legislation, now stuck in the Senate, in an appearance on ABC News' "This Week with George Stephanopoulos." A spokeswoman for Huckabee said Monday the former governor was not flip-flopping on the issue. "He's not wavering on it, he's just not certain at this point if he would support it at the federal level," press secretary Alice Stewart said. Lincoln said Monday she still thinks such a program is a good idea. "They've been in our school systems; we've made a huge investment," Lincoln said. "I think it's really important to make sure that we continue that investment (for students who do well) in a way that both encourages their legality and the hopes of them becoming a citizen because they are the ones who are going to contribute the most."
Lincoln, who supported the so-called DREAM ACT to help the children of illegal immigrants enter college, said the children did not come into the country on their own accord, a point Huckabee made during last week's GOP presidential debate and again during his television appearance Sunday. "You don't punish a child because a parent committed a crime, or committed a sin, you just don't do it," he said. "We had kids (in Arkansas) who had been in our schools, by law. And to simply shut them out of any additional educational advancement, to me, seemed not only in their worst interest, but ours, as well as the state's." But some Arkansas Republicans say such programs would put the interests of illegal immigrants ahead of Arkansas citizens. "What about the children of Arkansans who are citizens?," said Rep. Jon Woods, R-Springdale, who has helped sponsor legislative hearings on illegal immigration in the state. "We have thousands and thousands who are denied scholarships annually, and they're citizens."
What is the difference between the DREAM ACT and HB1525 which was the bill that would have given in-state tuition for illegals? Why do we need to reward the children of criminals? Do we give in-state tuition to the children of shoplifters? What about the rising tuition rates of students overall? This issue has been pretty much buried by the mainstream press. Sean Hannity recently questioned Huckabee about HB1525, but didn't follow up when Huckabee gave the children excuse. I was there when HB1525 was nearly passed by the Arkansas Congress. It was conservative activist like myself who stopped HB1525 from reaching Governor Huckabee's desk.. Here's the story about HB1525:
Lincoln supports college aid for children of illegal immigrants;
Huckabee no longer sure
By Jason Wiest
LITTLE ROCK -- Sen. Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark., voiced support for providing some children of illegal immigrants with college aid Monday, a day after Republican presidential contender Mike Huckabee said he was not sure he would support such a program at the federal level. When Huckabee was Arkansas governor, he supported legislation in 2005 that would have granted in-state tuition to the children of illegal immigrants. The measure, an early version of which also would have made undocumented immigrants eligible for state scholarships, passed the state House but fell short in the Senate.
Huckabee, who is surging in polls in advance of Iowa's first-in-the-nation Jan. 3 political caucuses and has come fire from GOP opponents because of his stance on immigration, on Sunday was noncommittal on federal legislation that would make the children of illegal immigrants eligible for federal student aid such as Pell grants and subsidized federal student loans. "I'm not sure I would support that. It was a different program in Arkansas," he said of the legislation, now stuck in the Senate, in an appearance on ABC News' "This Week with George Stephanopoulos." A spokeswoman for Huckabee said Monday the former governor was not flip-flopping on the issue. "He's not wavering on it, he's just not certain at this point if he would support it at the federal level," press secretary Alice Stewart said. Lincoln said Monday she still thinks such a program is a good idea. "They've been in our school systems; we've made a huge investment," Lincoln said. "I think it's really important to make sure that we continue that investment (for students who do well) in a way that both encourages their legality and the hopes of them becoming a citizen because they are the ones who are going to contribute the most."
Lincoln, who supported the so-called DREAM ACT to help the children of illegal immigrants enter college, said the children did not come into the country on their own accord, a point Huckabee made during last week's GOP presidential debate and again during his television appearance Sunday. "You don't punish a child because a parent committed a crime, or committed a sin, you just don't do it," he said. "We had kids (in Arkansas) who had been in our schools, by law. And to simply shut them out of any additional educational advancement, to me, seemed not only in their worst interest, but ours, as well as the state's." But some Arkansas Republicans say such programs would put the interests of illegal immigrants ahead of Arkansas citizens. "What about the children of Arkansans who are citizens?," said Rep. Jon Woods, R-Springdale, who has helped sponsor legislative hearings on illegal immigration in the state. "We have thousands and thousands who are denied scholarships annually, and they're citizens."
What is the difference between the DREAM ACT and HB1525 which was the bill that would have given in-state tuition for illegals? Why do we need to reward the children of criminals? Do we give in-state tuition to the children of shoplifters? What about the rising tuition rates of students overall? This issue has been pretty much buried by the mainstream press. Sean Hannity recently questioned Huckabee about HB1525, but didn't follow up when Huckabee gave the children excuse. I was there when HB1525 was nearly passed by the Arkansas Congress. It was conservative activist like myself who stopped HB1525 from reaching Governor Huckabee's desk.. Here's the story about HB1525:
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