Monday, April 30, 2007

KeepArkansasLegal members kicked off campus for violating unstated rule

Little Rock, AR – April, 27 2007 On September 21st of 2006, cable television and radio talk show host Sean Hannity began the 2006-07 American Studies Institute Distinguished Lecture Series at Harding University. KeepArkansasLegal attended this event and handed out flyers before and after the lecture. Police were present and had no problem with us.

On April 26th at 7:30pm, Former President Vicente Fox gave a lecture at Harding University. KeepArkansasLegal, an immigration reform group based in Central Arkansas, wanted to make sure that the people attending the lecture learned about some of the failures of the Fox Administration. Our plan was to hand out literature before the event and then attend the lecture. We had issued a press release stating that we were going to inform the public about the failures of the Fox Administration.

After doing an interview with KTHV Channel 11, we began handing out literature while KTHV filmed us and were immediately stopped by the police. It was then that we were first informed that all literature had to be approved by the Media/Public Relations Department. An officer who appeared to be from the Media/Public Relations Department was present and after viewing our flyers stated that we should put the flyers in our vehicle. Despite the failure of the Harding University Public Relations Department to notify the public of this policy, we complied and headed toward a vehicle to put away our banned materials.

While we were complying with the order to put away our flyers, the PR officer decided to remove us from campus. He radioed the chief of security for the lecture who informed us that we were to leave and that we would be arrested for trespassing if we returned. We also learned that a white supremacist group had been on campus and had been removed by security. Security was aware of the fact that we were not a hate organization. Some members of our organization were not involved in handing out flyers and simply went into the auditorium. The PR officer wanted us to find them in the audience so that they could remove them. We refused to help security find our members in the auditorium and were escorted off campus.

We first like to say that we have no problem with the police and security personnel. They were diligent and assertive in doing what they were told. We are always grateful to our Arkansas police officers, who are forced to deal with an ever growing problem of illegal immigration.

We know that as a Christian College, Harding University is a private institution that has the full right to have whatever policy it chooses. We believe that Harding University is a great institution of education. However, the actions of the staff member who ordered security to remove us from campus are absolutely disgraceful.

Members of KeepArkansasLegal were unjustly removed from campus for violating a policy that was never stated and did not exist 7 months ago even we were complying with the order to put our flyers away. The staff member’s effort to remove members of our organization who were not even violating the literature policy was completely unneeded. The cowardly staff member who gave the orders to remove our members was using security to punish those who do not agree with the illegal alien agenda. Had our flyers been pro-Vicente Fox, we would have been allowed to distribute them and then attend. Anyway, here's an image of the flyer along with the text. They're designed to be printed for half sheets. Feel free to make some, especially if Vicente Fox comes to town. Just watch out for security:

Accomplishments of the Fox Administration

· Over 600 gruesome murders of women have gone unsolved in Juarez, Mexico
· In Mexico City, 80% percent of crimes go unreported because the inept and corrupt police
· Border-towns like Nuevo Laredo have become official war-zones
· Communist revolts have festered in the states of Chiapas and Oaxaca
· Taxpayer aided illegal aliens in America sent $20 billion to Mexico in annual remittances in 2005
· Monopoly Tycoon Carlos Slim now controls 90% of Mexico’s telephone lines and has become the second richest man in the world. Not one monopoly has been broken under the Fox administration
· 10 out of 26 Latin American billionaires live in Mexico
· $2.3 billion goes to bribing officials, with the poorest paying 14% of their income in bribes.
· According to the World Bank, 53% of Mexico's population live in poverty, which is defined as living on less than $2 a day 24% of the population lives on less than $1 a day
· Vamos Mexico, a charity founded by Fox’s wife Martha Sahagun, spent less than 35% of its income on charity and is under investigation for illegal gambling funds and other diverted funds
· Unemployment in Mexico is 40%, and there are virtually no welfare benefits to provide the basics for poverty-stricken families in Mexico (That has become the American Taxpayer’s job!)
For more information about illegal immigration:
For more information about illegal immigration in Arkansas:

(I wanted to get a name before I posted this but couldn't)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Press Release about Vicente Fox


Kenny J. Wallis
President of KeepArkansasLegal
Little Rock, Arkansas

Arkansas immigration reform group challenges failed leader Vicente Fox

Little Rock, AR – April, 23 2007 – KeepArkansasLegal, an immigration reform group based in Central Arkansas, is outraged that former Mexican Leader Vicente Fox will be giving a lecture at on April 26 2007 at 7:30pm at Harding University’s Benson Auditorium. This so called “hero of democracy” was in fact another corrupt negligent leader just like the ruling party presidents before him. His legacy is continued poverty in Mexico and more illegal immigration in America.

Under Fox’s negligent leadership 600 gruesome murders of women went unsolved in Juarez, border-towns like Nuevo Laredo have become war-zones, and communist revolts have festered in the states of Chiapas and Oaxaca.

Illegal immigration resulting from Mexico’s poverty has caused great harm to the United States. In Virginia Beach, two teenagers were killed by drunk driver Alfredo Ramos, one of several million illegal aliens from Mexico. It is only a matter of time before events such as the tragedy in Virginia Beach are repeated in Arkansas. Corrupt regimes like the Mexican Government, abusive human traffickers and crooked businesses such as Tyson Foods benefit from illegal immigration, not the American or Mexican Taxpayer.

Fox’s deal to build the Mexican Consulate in Little Rock was done behind the backs of the citizens of Arkansas, and their elected representatives. At least $60,000 of Arkansas taxpayer money has been sent to the Consulate’s construction in addition to having their permit fee waived. That does not include the payments made by taxpayers to the Consulate workers and other expenses.

Fox will no doubt take credit for any good economic news about his country, and will fail to mention that America’s good economy and illegal immigration are the main reasons for Mexico’s “progress”. It is also likely that Fox will demand the American Worker pay for even more illegal aliens. KeepArkansasLegal wants to make sure that the Mexican Government be made responsible for neglected Mexican citizens and that Fox is exposed for his negligence and failures when he lectures at Harding University.
501-412-4063 or 501 570-0336


Saturday, April 21, 2007

Former president of Mexico to conclude Harding lecture series


(my additional statements in red)

Harding University
April 20, 2007

SEARCY - Vicente Fox, former president of Mexico, will conclude the Harding University American Studies Institute 2006-07 Distinguished Lecture Series April 26.
When elected president of Mexico in 2000, Fox broke the stranglehold that the ruling party had held on the country for seven decades. A charismatic reformer, Fox played a vital role in Mexico's democratization and strengthened economy. During his tenure, Fox controlled inflation and interest rates and achieved the lowest unemployment rate in all of Latin America (because most of the unemployed came to America).
As president, Fox began to fight the long-standing corruption within the federal government(examples?). He limited his power to the constitutional limits and granted more power to the state and municipal governments (like the congress of Sonora that gave itself a raise while it's people were starved into going to Arizona). In the international framework, he gave priority to subjects such as international commerce (drug trafficking), economic integration (Carlos Slim's telephone monopoly), migratory policies (more illegals into America) and human rights (600+ dead women in Juarez), as well as fighting against drug trafficking (going after the weaker Cartels). In 2001, the National Endowment for Democracy (whoever they are?) granted him the Democracy Award and called him a "hero of democracy."
Fox's five-year term concluded at the end of 2006.

The presentation begins at 7:30 p.m. in Benson Auditorium. Reserved seat tickets are required. Tickets are free to the public and may be picked up at Benson ticket booth from 1 to 4 p.m. April 25, and from 1 to 4 and 6 to 7:30 p.m. April 26. For more information, call (501) 279-4497.

(keeparkansaslegal will attend this event and try to ask Fox why he starved his people into coming to America like the previous administrations instead of turning Mexico into a true country. Our organization will NOT be apart of the White Revolution protest on Wed April 25th at 10am.)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

What If Illegal Aliens Suddenly Vanished?

(Although about half of the illegals in this country are from countries other than Mexico, the author's point is well made!)

By John Lillpop
Satire by John Lillpop

What would happen if all illegal aliens in America were suddenly beamed back to Mexico in a grand act of serendipity?

Assume that America was so blessed on October 31, 2006, before the mid-term elections, AND that our borders were properly secured to keep replacement aliens from invading:

Likely positive benefits since October 31

Approx. 3,700 Americans killed by illegal aliens, including those victimized by drunken drivers, would still be alive;
Homeland security would be dramatically improved by removing people of unknown character and criminal history from our midst;
Both chambers of Congress would still be controlled by Republicans, rather than in the hands of the enemy;
Inmate population at state, local, and federal penal institutions would be about 30 percent less;
Education would be dramatically improved because overcrowding would be eased;
Teachers would be able to devote more time to those who belong here, rather than attending to the needs of non-English speaking aliens;
America's health care system would no longer be burdened by millions of uninsured illegal aliens without the means to pay for their health care;
Hospitals and medical clinics forced to close because of freeloading illegal aliens would once again be solvent;
Those who belong in America would be able to count on receiving emergency care in a reasonable period of time, rather than being forced to wait for hours upon hours in emergency rooms overrun by illegal aliens;
American taxpayers would save scores of billions of dollars spent on public services given to those not entitled to such services;
Hundreds of millions of dollars wasted to print documents, signs, and notices in Spanish would be available to meet the needs of real Americans;
With fewer cars on the road, traffic congestion would be dramatically eased, resulting in less carbon monoxide released to the environment. And that means less global warming;
Fewer cars on the road would also mean less dependence on middle east oil;
Most crimes being investigated in Los Angeles would not have been committed;
ID theft would be far less of a threat to Americans;
Welfare and food stamp fraud would be reduced significantly;
DUI cases would drop dramatically;
Life threatening obesity would decline as Americans would be forced to mow their own lawns, clean their own toilets, and wash their own cars;

Fast food restaurants, the bane of healthy living, would no longer have slave labor available to prepare and serve junk food. As a result, meal costs would skyrocket; forcing Americans to feast on tofu and celery sticks instead of cheese-smothered double burgers, fries, and super jumbo milk shakes.

That, by the way, would be a good thing!

What about the negative impact, you ask?
Taking 12-30 million illegal aliens out of our economy is bound to have an effect. However, on average, most illegal aliens take more than they put back into the economy, so over time the impact would be quite positive.

Other payoffs for beaming illegal aliens back to Mexico
Antonio Villagarosa would be picking avocados in Salinas rather than destroying the once great city of Los Angeles as it's Mayor, and Duyba Bush would be forced to learn proper English, rather than relying on illegal aliens to make him sound good by comparison!

That settles it: Beam them back to Mexico, Felipe!
John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Mexico's invasion and corruption

They continue advancing the construction work in the Consulate of Mexico. (at taxpayer expense)According to the consul, Andrés Chao, the official inauguration for the day Wednesday is confirmed for 25 of April at 10 in the morning (save some unexpected and unexpected situation).

Those predicted to participate are dignitaries like the governor of Arkansas, Mike Beebe; the governor of the State of Hidalgo, Lic. Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong; the Chancellor of Mexico, Patricia Espinosa; and the Ambassador of Mexico in the United States, Arturo Sarukhan, among others.

Mexican magnate becomes world's second richest man (thanks to the Mexican Government that starves it’s people and is building a consulate in Little Rock)

April 11, 2007
A Mexican telecoms tycoon has become the second richest man in the world, pushing US investment guru Warren Buffett into third place and breathing down the neck of Microsoft founder Bill Gates.
Carlos Slim Helu quietly slipped past Buffett at the end of last month thanks to his rising stock, and was valued at the close of trade Wednesday at 53.1 billion dollars, 700 million dollars more than Buffett, reported Wednesday.
Now only Gates, valued as the richest man in the world for the last 13 years, is ahead of Slim.
And while slim may be catching up, Gates, who stepped aside as Microsoft chief in 2000 to devote his energies to the philanthropic foundation he runs with his wife Melinda, is still sitting on a nest egg of 56 billion dollars.
Slim, 67, has added a staggering 23 billion dollars to his personal fortune over the last 14 months, thanks largely to a strong Mexican economy and a stock market that jumped nearly 50 percent last year.
He accrued four billion dollars of that just since Forbes unveiled its annual rich list in early March, giving Slim the equivalent of roughly seven percent of Mexico's annual economic output, according to Forbes.
The tycoon has brushed off criticism that his Telmex company is effectively a monopoly, saying earlier this year: "When you live for others' opinions, you are dead. I don't want to live thinking about how I'll be remembered."
He has derided Gates and Buffett for giving away so much of their wealth, reportedly saying: "Poverty isn't solved with donations," according to Forbes.
Building businesses, he reportedly said, did more for society than "going around like Santa Claus."
(The businesses he builds only benefit him and his cronies, while millions of Mexicans suffer under his monopoly)
Copyright AFP 2005, AFP stories and photos shall not be published, broadcast, rewritten for broadcast or publication or redistributed directly or indirectly in any medium

Friday, April 06, 2007

Tragedy in Virginia

For those who don't know, 17-year-old Allison Kunhardt and 16-year-old Tessa Tranchant were killed by 22-year-old Alfredo Ramos, an illegal alien drunk driver in Virginia. The story was the focus of an argument between Bill O'Reilly and Geraldo Rivera on The O'reilly Factor. A youtube copy is here:


Here is a link to a story along with some updates you may not here about on national news along with some facts about the case:
-Ramos was convicted in February on DUI charges from November 13, 2006
-The arresting officer commented in his report that Ramos "almost ran him down"
-Ramos paid a Florida company $200 dollars for a "Mexican ID", and he blew a .14 BAC - almost twice the legal limit.
-law-enforcement officials in Chesapeake never informed Immigration and Customs Enforcement about Ramos' residence status in the U.S. This contrasts with Virginia Beach, whose authorities notified ICE immediately after Ramos was arrested.
-Ramos admitted that he is in the country illegally, speaks no english, and was working at a Mexican restaurant in Virginia Beach.
-Ramos has been charged with two counts of aggravated involuntary manslaughter and is being held at the Virginia Beach City Jail with no bond.
A good video from a show on FoxNews about this story:

Immigration Reform

Here is the first keeparkansaslegal documentary on illegal immigration. I talked in general about illegal immigration and how to deal with it.